I Hope She Is Happier Now

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"So Derpy, do you want to tell me anything else before you leave?", the therapist asked the grey pegasus as he put down his clipboard.
Derpy went to therapy this very day when she found out what happened to Dinky. It wasn't good news and she wanted to talk to someone before she could help the young filly. She found the best therapist in ponyville by the recommendation of Twilight Sparkle. This therapist was named Shiney Horseshoe. Shiney Horseshoe was a bronze colored unicorn with a shaggy brown mane and blue eyes. His cutiemark was a golden clipboard with a checkmark. Derpy Hooves knew she could trust him.

"Derpy? Did you hear me?", Shiney Horseshoe asked in a calm tone. Derpy spring up from her seat and gasped. "S-sorry sir, I was just thinking. Umm yes I'd like to talk about one more thing." "And what is that Ms. Hooves?" "My backstory sir.", the grey pegasus replied nervously. The therapist let out a small grin and picked his clipboard back up with his magic. "Alrighty then, tell me all you need to dear. You can tell me anything you want.", he said kindly. Derpy let out a deep breath and explained.

Derpy's explaination

Eight years ago I found something that changed my life. It all started on a late Thursday afternoon when I was walking home from work. My hooves always followed me through the dumpster behind the hay burger where I may have to throw away old letters from my job, yet I found something shocking. I noticed a basket by that dumpster and it was moving. This basket was surrounded by empty alcohol cans and cigarettes. "What do we have here?" I asked myself as I flew closer to the basket. That basket revealed something shocking, a foal. "Oh my, who left you here?" I asked in surprise. The foal was a small grayish purple unicorn with a blonde mane and two amber eyes. She was very thin and had a few cuts. It was obvious her recent paremts abandoned her, probably alcoholics. Well I couldn't bear to leave her all alone, so I took her home and nursed her back to health. "It's okay dear. I'll take care of you. I'll be your mommy." After a few days she was looking much better than when I found her. It was when I decided I had to name her. "Every foal needs a name, especially you. I'll call you...Dinky Doo." I remember that smile she had on her face when I gave her that name. She knew she was safe with me. After about three months, a sad day came. It was late March when I heard a loud knock st my door. "Foal Protective Services! Open up!" A male voice called. Dinky didn't wake up but I was slowely trying to get her to sleep. "Foal Protective Services! Open up now! I know you are home ma'am!" I quickly put Dinky in her crib and ran out of her bedroom and answered the door. "Hello there." I said in a playful tone as I answered the door. The stallion at the door looked angry. He barged himslef in and gave a deadly look at me. "You Ms. Hooves have been claimed to have kidnapped a foal!" The stallion stated. "Kidnapped? No sir I did no such thing." I replied nervously. "Recent ponies in ponyville have seen you with a foal. May I see her please?" The stallion asked as he gave me a death stare. I followed him to Dinky's bedroom and picked her up. Of course she thought this was a game because she giggled and kept touching my nose. "Here she is sir, Dinky Doo." The stallion took out a clipboard and a pen. "Is this your biological daughter?" He asked. "Well no...Is found her next to a dumpster and I couldn't leave her alone. I think she was abandoned by her real parents. She needed someone to take care of her." I explained to the stallion. "Ms. Hooves you are unable to care for this foal. You do not have foal support according to your records, you are under aged and you technically kidnapped her by taking her in your home. So I am going to have to take her away and put her into a foster pony home. She is unable to live here under your hands." The stallion forced Dinky out of my hooves and headed towards the door. "No you can't do that! She's like a daughter- Mister please! No! Dinky!" That very night I was sadly in my bedroom. My child was gone and I'd never see her again.

Derpy finished speaking and Shiney Horseshoe caught his breath. "You do still see her though. She lives in the same area as you, correct?" "Yes sir, I see her walking around with on older unicorn. I believe her name is Amethyist Star. She is a purplish pink unicorn with a purple mane. I believe she plays a big sister role to her. I've seen her mother once but never her father. I think she looks happy with these ponies.", Derpy explained with a few tears. "Why are you so worried about her recently. You said she is with a good fami-" "She is in the hospital! Yesterday she was hit with a carriage and and-" Derpy broke into tears and hardly cried. "Derpy it's alright, fish what you have to say.", Shiney Horseshoe said as he comforted the grey pegasus. Derpy took a few breaths and continued. "It's all my fault! One of the carriages had a broken wheel and I wanted to fix it, but but- the carriage moved by itself and it...it hit her! Her sister ran over to her and helped her up, she was bleeding and her back leg was bent a bit. I didn't mean to hurt her!" "Have you been sued?", the therapist asked. "Yes...I can't afford the pay though. They said if I can't pay by next week, I'll go to jail.", the grey pegasus explained as she wiped the last of her tears. "Derpy I think it's best to get some help from friends or family. Perhaps they can help you pay.", the therapist stated. Derpy nodded and got up from her seat. "Well if I pay it or not. I just hoe she is happier now...without me ruining her life even more. Have a good day sir." The grey pegasus flew out of the therapist office and hoped to get the fine payed. She just wished she could see Dinky before it would be too late. "I love you Dinky. I'm sorry."

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