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Okay I was tagged by SnapeLover87 to do this tag:

Okay I was tagged by SnapeLover87  to do this tag:

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I'm too lazy to crop it.
1. Talk about your first kiss: it was a dare by my friends and he actually did it and I pretended to not ever know about it so it wouldn't be awkward when it actually came time to do the kiss all I'm gonna say about that.

2. Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie: I love Lilo and Stitch so much you can't even know. I was in love with this movie when I first saw it.

3. Talk about the person you have had the most romantic feelings for: I'm not going to say his name but he is my boyfriend and but we are like Han Solo and Leah all I have to say

4. What is the thing you regret the most: Not going on a really cool roller coaster with my dad in Florida.

5. Best B-day I've ever had?: I dunno

6: worst B-day ever?: I dunno still

7: biggest insecurity: my artist skills

8: thing I'm most proud of?: my coloring skills... I think or my guitar

9: lil things on my body: (what mkay) I have uh freckles on my noes and my shoulders... And a scar on my left eyebrow... Ya happy?

10: biggest fight I've ever had: I dunno they are all pretty equal...

11: best dream: i was in high school and the teacher made us go on a ladder and sit on a whoopy cousin....

12: worst dream: snakes eating each other... I really don't want to talk about it... *shudders*

13: imagine how you are going to have sex!!!: uh no

14: talk about a vacation: I went to Orlando and got picked for the Olivader's wand thing...

15: most content in my life: when I listened to the K-Love fan awards.

16: best party I've been to: a Halloween party with my friends and we all cosplayed as Fairy Tail characters.

17: someone I want to be friends with: probably my fellow artists on wattpad....

18: something that happened in elementary school: I got picked for a Hope T-shirt and my drawing was put on a shirt... Yep... That happened

19: something that happened in middle school: I met a lot of new people.

20: talk about something in high school: I'm not in high school.

21: when did you turn down someone: never.

22: my worst fear: heights... BUGS... HEIGHTSSSSSS!!!!! Oml I fear heights so much you don't even know man....

23: when someone turned me down: never. I never had the courage to tell someone I liked them....

24: has someone ever told you that meant a lot?: yes! Not gonna talk about it rn...

25: talk about my ex-best friend: well her name was Jolene and I sometimes wanna draw her w/o her head.... She hates me for hanging out with people other than her.

26: things I do when I'm sick: put a cold wash cloth over my forehead and watch iisuperwomanii or elderly reacts videos.

27: my favorite part of someone else's body: okay this question is weird and idk.

28: talk about songs that remind you of certain people: Riptide reminds me of rocker_11 and I can't think of any other songs for humans....

29: talk about someone I thought I was in love with: (finally we are almost done) I thought I was in love with this guy that let me use his glasses in 4th grade!!! That was stupid....

30: talk about things I wish I could stop doing: (ALL DONE!!) well I wish I could be less of a doormat.... I say yes to everything even: 'can you draw me??'

OKAY IM DONE WITH THAT!!! I'm not going to tag anyone enough said....

WAHT ABOUT MEEEEEEEE?!?? >:3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt