chapter 13- new beginnings

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"okay let me take a picture of you to send to daddy." I smiled.
It was Katie's first day at school and she looked so cute in her little black skirt and school jumper with grey tights. I had done her hair in pigtails for her and she was stood in front of the fire place, posing as I snapped photos of her.
I sent my favourite to Caleb she's super cute!
I checked the time on my phone as I did so, before shoving it into my handbag "sweetie it's time to go."
She nodded and I helped her put her backpack on and we started the route to school, we would walk for the next few years together.

"Are you excited?" I asked, as we reached the child crowded streets surrounding the gates.
She didn't reply but tugged on my jumper. I looked down at her and her eyes were filled with fear. I smiled weakly at her and lead her to the side of the path, so people could get passed, before dropping to her level.
"Mummy I want to go home." She sniffled "I don't want too."
"I know your scared, it's a new place, but I promise its going to be fun." I assured her.
"I want to stay with you." She whimpered.
"Mummy will be here when you leave okay? I'll be stood right by the door." I smiled.
"But what if nobody likes me?" She croaked.
"You're amazing Katie! Everybody's going to love you." I said.
She looked at my bump "will bump come to school with me one day?"
I nodded "but you'll be older and he or she will be younger, so you'll have to show them how to be brave. So are you going to be brave now?"
She nodded her head and I stood up again "ready now?"
"Yes." She said.
We reached the door of her classroom, and a middle aged women was stood in the doorway "hello!"
"Hi." I said.
She looked down at Katie "now who might you be?"
"I'm Katie." She said shyly.
"What a pretty name, I'm Miss Madison, do you want to go and join the other children?" She asked nicely.
Katie nodded and hugged me before cautiously walking off.
"She's really nervous." I told the teacher.
"Lots of the kids are, I'll make sure she feels as comfortable as possible."
"Thank you."
As I took the walk home alone, I clicked Calebs contact.
"She's so scared Caleb." I sighed as he picked up "I felt so bad leaving her."
"It's new to her Han, she's gonna be fine."
"I know...I think I'm just upset that I'm alone now." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"What am I supposed to do for 6 hours Caleb? My whole day was focused on Katie and now-"
"You can focus on yourself."
"But that's impossible. I'm a mum, it's my instinct." I explained.
"Hanna, just relax, for you and the babies sake and if you're that worried about Katie, just remember she's the most bubbly, kind girl." He replied "look Han I've got to go."
I sighed "why?"
"Because I'm at work, and I'm actually meant to be working- relax, I love you okay?" He said.
"I love you too." I said hanging up. I had reached the front door and put my key in and twisted the handle. I looked around to make sure everything was how I left it, I always did, it was my
PTSD, I was always paranoid somebody would come and take me. Even after all these years of freedom, at the back of my mind is all the torture and pain and sadness, and it will always be there. I shivered and finally settled on the sofa. What was I supposed to do? I tapped my hand on my knee, what did mums do when they were alone? I knew for a fact my mum used to clean or cook, or go out with her friends. But my house was clean, I wasn't an excellent cook, and I know all my friends are busy. I sighed and grabbed my phone, scrolling through my contacts. Who would be free? My dad, he worked. Toby, him and spencer were away for the week. I continued looking, but there was nobody I felt like I could fill my whole day with, who were free. I placed my hand on my bump "you wanna go on a walk?"

It was a very cold September, but I loved walking in the cold. I also knew it would distract me for a while, as well as tire me out- being 4 months pregnant, this was quite easy. So with that, I pulled my black coat back on, along with my converse and left the house. I didn't really know where I was walking, but as the rain began to fall rapidly, I ended up at my mums house. I knocked on her door and it opened after a few moments.
"Hanna! Oh my god it's freezing out there come in." She ushered.
I followed her and she ran off into the kitchen, and I followed.
"I'm making a cup of hot chocolate right now." She said.
"Mum I'm not a teenager anymore." I laughed.
"But you're still my daughter, and that is still my grandchild." She nodded towards my bump.
"I know." I smiled.

We sat down at the small white table, hot drinks in hand.
"Have you started wedding planning yet?" She asked.
"To be honest..." I took a sip of my hot chocolate "we haven't really thought about it, just that it will be after the babies born."
"I guess that makes sense, maybe me, you and your friends can go dress shopping soon?" She asked.
"Mum, I have a bump now, I won't at my wedding, so it doesn't exactly make sense." I explained.
"Have you at least thought of a venue?" She asked.
I shook my head again "nothing- I just have the ring."
"will you find out the gender of this baby?" She asked "I know you did with Katie, because you wanted to prepare, but seconds obviously different."
"How do you know? You only had one." I asked.
"I do have friends Hanna." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.
"I don't know, we haven't spoke about it."
"You haven't spoke about a lot of things." She sighed.
"Calebs busy." I protested "and Katie started school so it's a bit chaotic right now."
"I understand." She said.
"Speaking of Katie, I've still got 4 and a half hours to burn...wanna watch orange is the new black?"

Hellooo! So I'm curious, should Haleb have a baby girl or boy? Please comment :)

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