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Please read the description before you read this story! Enjoy!
- Ai~Chan
The glistening moonlight cast onto the slow, calming water, giving it a silvery tint. Out of the shadows, a man could be seen, trudging through the long grass in the middle of a large forest. The man grew closer to a log house as he swerved around each tree. He made his way towards one of the windows that the log house had on it's side. The man peered inside of the small house, only to see a mother cradling her child. The man smiled warmly and headed to the front door of the house. He opened the door and the mother turned her head to look at the man.
Her lips curved into a sad smile.
"Hello, I didn't expect you to be back this early" The woman said, trying as hard as she could to keep the sadness hidden from her quivering voice. The man came up to her, and returned the sad smile. He eyed the baby, who the mother was cradling, with great fondness and admiration for her beautiful features. She had short, cool-aqua-colored hair, which cascaded around the edges of her plump face, framing it perfectly. Her violet eyes glistened in the moonlight, turning them lilac.
The young little girl looked up at him, and gave him an adorable smile, followed by a halfhearted giggle from the small girl's mother. "This is going to be the hardest thing we have ever done before..." Commented the man, who was quite obviously the father. The mother solemnly and subtly nodded her head as a single tear escaped from her forest green eyes.
"There... there has to be another way..." She said with determination, yet a hint of the tone in her voice suggested that she knew otherwise. The father shook his head. "There isn't... You know that, don't you?" The mother looked at her husband, her eyes now teary and clouded with worry and a deep sadness. "We brought this on ourselves. We did. She needs to know that she's not living with her own family when she is older. We can't afford to lie... it never turns out in the end" She acknowledged. The father nodded, while noticing his own tears that prickled at his eyes. The woman moved her body closer to his and wrapped her trembling arms around him, both of them now holding the puzzled baby girl.
"Heh, if only she knew" Commented the father as the mother rested her chin on his shoulder, which was now damp from her flooding tears. "We need to be strong, right? Arina?" The father said, concern lacing his tone. The mother, Arina, straightened out, and pressed her lips to her husband's forehead. She then went to her little daughter, and did the exact same thing. Her lips lingered on her baby's forehead, until she pulled away reluctantly.
"Let's go, Kale" Arina urged as she motioned to her husband, Kale, to follow her out the door. Kale caught up to her and peeked at their child. "We've went through a lot for you, and we have been stupid about things sometimes. So please forgive us, little Eve"

Hey guys! Hope you like the prologue! I would like to know if you liked the story at all! So plz comment and tell me!

- Ai~Chan 💙💜💙

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