Chapter 1

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Please read the Prologue before you read this chapter! Enjoy!
- Ai~Chan
I ran as quickly as my legs could carry me, which was apparently really quick. I dodged the trees and I eventually came across... League A. I smirked. I ran closer and closer to the League, until I almost reached my limit and I stopped under one of the tents in a marketplace. My eyes scanned the area, until they landed on a small basket. I edged a little but closer to the basket, and in it, there were fruits... lots of fruits. My smirk curved into a smile as I crept along the tent, waiting for everyone's eyes to pull away from the basket. And...... Go! I leapt from my hiding place, and swiftly grabbed the promising basket. I hid under another tent. Thankfully, no one noticed me, so I popped a small rewarding blueberry in my mouth.
I then knew it was time to head back, so I quickly ran away from League A, and made my way towards the only place that I knew was home. Underground. It was a small place. It had walls, and doors, but no windows. That was okay with me, but to be completely honest, the candles aren't exactly what I would call, "decent lighting". I hastily slipped inside the unnoticeable tunnel that lead to my hideout. "Eve!" Well... Not exactly just mine. "Did you get any food?" I rolled my eyes. That was Aerin, she is my foster mother, or so I've been told. I was also told that my mother and father broke a couple of key rules that we have, so they couldn't keep me, they had to give me to Aerin. "Of course I got food! I wouldn't be back if I didn't have anything!" I replied. Luckily, Aerin is a Knile and, of course, an absolute master when it comes to fighting and martial arts. She taught me all that I know today. "Okay, what did you get?" She asked me. A smile plastered itself onto my face. "You're going to love this! I got an entire basket filled with fruit!" I exclaimed. Aerin turned a corner and finally showed her face to me for the first time since I went out to get food.
She has long, violet hair which is always tied up into a high ponytail. Aerin also has silver, stormy eyes. You could also call them grey eyes, but silver eyes sound way cooler. Aerin eyed the basket I was currently carrying. "What fruits? Name them" She demanded. Aerin did have a sense of humor in there, somewhere... and I know because she showed it to me before, but she was not showing it today. I breathed out a sharp breath and began naming the fruits. "Strawberries... blueberries... bananas... pineapples and... oh— that's it" I looked up, and my violet eyes met with her silver ones. "That is good, but not enough for you, me, and Ace altogether" My foster mother answered.
Ace is my foster brother, even though technically, I'm the foster sister here. He is training to become better at being a Majim and mastering his two powers; Earth magic and spell magic. His earth magic is pretty straightforward (he can control earth), but his spell magic requires your energy to cast spells. It's pretty interesting in my opinion. According to my mother, I'm a Knile, and I was born being skilled with duel swords.
"Get more food" I heard Aerin say. "Huh?" I asked, puzzled. "Get. More. Food." She urged me. I scowled. "Can I at least have a small break?" I asked her. Aerin's gaze only hardened. "Go. Now." She growled, her voice deepening. I blinked in surprise. "Really? Hey, are you okay toda–" Aerin cut me off "NOW! GO NOW! What part of 'now' do you not understand!? GO!" She shouted. I stared at her, a little horrified. She had never acted like this before, even being the little-to-no-patience person she is. No, this time, she really wanted me out.
I can't believe it.
"Fine! I'll go if it makes you happy!" I countered. I glanced at Aerin before storming out of our small, underground living space. Her stormy eyes were clouded with anger, stress... sadness... worry?... and, fear? I didn't think too much of it when I decided to go gather some more food for us, no matter how angry I was at my foster mother.
I went around, pillaging tents, and didn't get caught once. What can I say? I'm a skilled Knile for a 16 year old, but even being skilled, doesn't spare you from the tiredness you feel after you have stolen tons of food. I'm exhausted. I should head back now. But Aerin's there! Remember the state she was in when you left her!? A voice in my head said. No! Eve, you need to go back, otherwise you will never make up with Aerin! Another voice told me. I decided to go back, even though the other voice had a point.
I struggled to slide inside the tunnel with all the food I was carrying, but regardless, I made it in anyway. "Aerin, Ace. I'm back!" I called out as I dropped the baskets and bags to the floor carefully. I got no answer. Maybe Ace isn't home and Aerin doesn't want to see me? I thought. Neglecting the last thought, I looked around for Aerin. "E-EVE!" I jumped as I heard a startled voice call my name. Ace... I ran as fast as I could towards where Ace was calling me, the panic in his voice was scaring me. "Ace where are y-" I got cut off as I saw what... or- who lay in front of me.
Ace was hunched over a body, of whom I knew. He was hunched over the lifeless body of Aerin.

Oooohh! Cliffhanger!~ 😅😢
To be continued...

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