Chapter 4

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POV: Theo

Yo, idiot! Brian screams in my head.

How dare you disrespect me! I am the human, I am your master, wolf.

Brian replies by saying, Ha. That's funny. We are equals. If I wanted to, I could take control of you and make you do whatever I wanted.

I sigh. Fine. What do you want?


 GREAT. Now if that's all... And with that, I cut off our mind link. I walk up to Brittany. I tell her "hey babe" I extend my canines, and I mark her. I'm sure she will be a good luna. Way better than Emily. I mean, who could do something like kill your own parents? What would she do to her own pack members? This is the only way. Once we go back to the pack house, my first official duty as alpha is to kick her out. I don't know why my father hasn't already done so.

*******************Afterschool on the way home****************************************************

As the day ends, I have Brittany clinging to my arm. She's annoying, but I have chosen her to be my luna. There is no turning back now. We get into my car and drive back when I see smoke coming from the direction of the pack house. I slightly panic. All the cars speed up except for one car. I'd normally spend more time trying to figure out whose it is, but you know, I was rushing to the matter at hand. I reached the pack house when I noticed there were clothes everywhere. That's when I saw the pile. There was a huge pile of everyone's stuff. But it was all blackened and destroyed. Brittany started screaming.

"All my clothes! When I find out which bitch did this I WILL DESTROY THEM!"

"Brittany, calm down. They're just clothes. You can buy new ones."

"Fine. Hand me your credit card."

"NO. You want new clothes, you buy your own. Go get a job or something or spend your parents fortune."

Brittany whined "But I can't I already spent it alllllllll."

"Well too bad. You may be my luna but that doesn't mean you can take all of MY hard earned money that I got from getting a job."



"Fine." She huffs and walks away. I watch her walk up to another man and flirt with him, then take his credit card. I shake my head in disgust. Great. I 'm stuck with her now. Then I sniff the air. I immediately know who did this. "EMILY" I roar in my alpha voice.

"Don't bother." says a voice behind me.

"And why not, Isaac?"

"Because she's gone."

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