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Date: April 22, Y221

Time: 10:00 PM

Settings: Train Station

POV: 3rd

Jaden: Where are those two?

Jaden and Mark were waiting for Sakura and Haruhi. Master Kelly made Haruhi and Mark come along to stop any fights. Mark was wearing his normal school clothes. Jaden wore a purple hoodie, a white t-shirt, dark gray jeans and black shoes.

 Jaden wore a purple hoodie, a white t-shirt, dark gray jeans and black shoes

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Mark: You know how girls take a long time.

Jaden: Tell me about it. It annoys me.



Everyone turns to see Haruhi in a green dress and black flats pulling Sakura who is wearing a red sleeveless shirt, jean short shorts and black flats.

Haruhi drags Sakura to where the guys were waiting.

Haruhi: Sorry we're late. Someone didn't want to come.

Jaden: Is she afraid of her image or something?

Sakura: Shut up! And no. It's something far worse.

Mark: Let's just get into the train.

Jaden and Mark get in and find a place for all four to sit down. They both take a window seat and face each other. Mark falls asleep easily.

Haruhi is pulling a squirming Sakura. She looks at the guys.

Haruhi: Can you give Sakura your window seat?

Jaden: I'm not giving it up.

Sakura: Jerk. Haruhi just punch me.

Haruhi: I am not doing that! That's just horrible.

Sakura: But-

The train started to move and Sakura's face turned into a mix of green and purple.

Haruhi: Oh no.

Jaden: What's happening?

Haruhi: She has motion sickness.

Jaden: So she's a dragon slayer?

Haruhi: No. She was just born with this.

Sakura: Just. Kill. Me. Now.

Jaden: Fine she can the window seat. I'll sit next to Mark.

Haruhi puts down and sits next to her.

Haruhi: Such a strong girl, but this weakness gets in the way.

Jaden: Everyone has a weakness. It's the way of life.

Haruhi: Then what's yours?

Jaden: Why should I tell you?

Haruhi: I'll tell you a secret of Sakura.

Sakura: Don't you-

Jaden: Deal. My parents.

Haruhi: Hm something in common with Sakura. Excuse me for a moment.

Haruhi punches Sakura, knocking her out. Jaden sweatdrops.

Jaden: You could have done that when she asked.

Haruhi: I know but she doesn't want people to know this.

Jaden: Which is?

Haruhi: After she finishes high school, she has to marry this rich guy.

Jaden: What? Why?

Haruhi: Her parents want money. It's so sad. She is pictured to be this perfect daughter. Good grades, friendly personality, no boyfriends. And finally, follow family orders.

Jaden: That's sounds terrible.

Haruhi: I like to say that she's Elsy from Freezing but the only thing she is concealing is her ability to love in that sort of relationship. And she doesn't shut out her sister.

Jaden: Do they do that to her sister?

Haruhi: No. They baby her even though her sister hates it.

Jaden: Wow. But why isn't she allowed to love another person like that?

Haruhi: Not told. But if she does love someone like that, there will be big consequences.

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