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I was born Jasmine Lee Montgomery, and I was born in London, England, Britain, UK (gettin' fancy up in here) and currently live in New York, USA (not saying the city because some people are stalkers just saying 🙃). When I was younger, my family and a friends would call me Jazz, or Jazzie, in my grandparents' case. Then as I got older and had more freedoms, I decided Jamie was more for me.

At nine years old, I started to question my sexuality/gender identity. I knew I wasn't straight, but I had a lot more to learn. My parents took it okay--other relatives didn't. Currently, at fifteen, I'm asexual, demiromantic and agender.

I just recently got bleach-blond streaks in my hair! I think it looks really nice. I also really want a nose and lip ring, but my mum and grandmum would legit come after me and kill me. So yeah.

I have short, brown (almost black) hair in a fringecut like Dan Howell and dark, dark brown eyes. I wear blue, square-frame glasses, and as a close friend likes to put it, a "really small button nose". My favourite fashion statement is a plaid flannel, sweater, beanie, skinny jeans and white Converse high-tops. If I didn't sweat so much in the summer, I'd wear jeans 24/7, 365 days a year.

I'm a very outgoing, usually-not-shy person. I'm loud, proud, and can be kind of obnoxious. My friends usually love me for it, though, like everyone else, we annoy each other sometimes. I have a very rude/dirty sense of humour and have never been very good at following rules. I don't take shit from anyone, and I'll call you out if you're being an asshole. I also swear. A lot. Like, it's a become problem now.

I tend to be sarcastic and can seem rude, and I try to tone it down around new people. As anyone can tell you, once you get to know me, I'm actually pretty sweet and caring and would do anything to protect my friends (one of my closest friends calls me a reincarnation of Percy Jackson--I don't know how accurate that is because I can be pretty self-centred sometimes, but that's for you to judge).

I'm a naturally very loud person, but in situations where I don't know many people, or big crowds like parties, I get very quiet and shy. It's one of the only things that makes me nervous/like that.

Another thing that all my friends hate about me is that I never get nervous, and still maintain A averages in all my classes. [I swear to the gods, I'm not trying to brag or boast, I'm just saying it as it is, I'm sorry if it sounds like that...] All of my friends can tell you: I'm probably the most laid-back and yet still extremely smart people they know. I also typically am functioning on only zero to five hours of sleep and still get things done. XxWildHeartsXx7 can tell you about our English project last year:

Me: Relax, we have a whole twenty-four hours, we've got this, seriously. We've rehearsed twenty times already, we'll do fine!

Ask her, that's how it went down.

I'm obsessed with Dan & Phil, music (mostly rock, punk-rock, pop-rock, pop-punk, etc.), LGBTQDIA+ stuff, YouTube, Internet, gayyyyyyyyy things, Wattpad, Spotify, Converse, comfy sweaters, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, Trials of Apollo, Magnus Chase, DC, Marvel, and so much more. This list is so long. Singing and music are my life. I do chorus and an all tenor/baritone/bass group because I am a fabulous tenor if I do say so myself. Russian class is awesome, and learning Italian and French is fun AF. I also love Mountain Dew and coffeeeeeeeeeeee ☕️☕️☕️. :3

I hate sports and gym class. And the new models of the Volkswagen Beetles. Like, no. Go baaaaaack. Fix iiiiiiiiiit. I also hate having FIVE HOURS OF FUCKING HOMEWORK, prude people, and assholes. :)

Comment on this story or DM this account if you have any other questions you'd like me or Elsa or both of us to answer! Say if you want to be named (e.g. in the story it'd be displayed as: @elsa_jamie asked- ) and then your question.

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