Chapter one : freedom?

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"KAI!" the shrill voice of my so called mother screamed, waking me up from my safe haven, my dreams. "YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN UP HOURS AGO" she called up again, I looked out the crack in the attic wall to see the sun was barley visible on the horizon.

" coming" I said in a voice that lacked any emotion, I really didn't care what she said any more, I was leaving tonight, me and Ala, one of my closest and only friends. Ala and I had been preparing for this for so long and now the time had come. I had never really understood why Ala didn't really tell me her plans, or were she was most of the time, but after a while, we'd be to far away from our past life it wouldn't matter anymore.

I quickly got out off my bed, if you can even call it that, it was a straw mat on a table. It had a large towel as a blanket and a pile of bits of yarn, string and cotton I had gathered and I had sewn together to make a patch work pillow. I was really proud of my bed, over the years I had gathered all of the things that it was made of, I made the table, mat, pillow and bought the towel with money I'd saved for years. Underneath the table I had a place to store food and little odds and ends I'd scavenged, I had a satchel, a leather jacket and a dager I'd stolen from thieves. I figured it was ok to steal from them, they didn't earn it properly and they weren't using them much any way.

I was  thinking about how much I hated mom but how much I loved my little room, were I was save from everything, or so I thought, when I heard someone scream. I grabed my bag, jacket, dager, bolted down my ladder and dashed into the kitchen, I saw a girl  crying on the floor, she had been trying to take a loaf of bread cooling from our window sill when my mother had grabbed her and threw her on the ground.

" LOOK AT THIS FILTH I FOUND STEELING FROM US!" she said in a ear splitting screech, the girl began to sobb even more and cowered under one of our cupboard's.

"she's just a kid mom, but I guess you'll want me to punish her for you?" I said hopefully.

"OF COURSE!" she said expectantly.

" right on it mom!" I said happily. I'd never really liked when people tried to steel from us when I was little.  I would have to "punish them" by taking them upatairs and sit there, they would squirm under my gaze and eventually they would climb out my window, which had no glass, and I wouldn't stop them. Now though,  I take them up, the kids at least, the adults I would scold and ask to leave. But the kids I would feed a bit of my next meal, apologize for my mom, give them tips on being sneaky and wish them luck, a few times the kids came back and climbed into my room to talk or give me things like, money or bits of food. This kid though, this kid was different right of the bat. Normally they cry to act sweet and inocent but when that doesn't work they bigining to act tough, silent and sometimes try to fight, after I talk to them they become more open and trusting. This girl, she was about two years older than me so I didn't get why she was acting so childish, she sure didn't look like a child. That's when  I realized who it was.

" Ala?"

" what are you doing here?" I hissed heding to the door

"I came to warn you" she responded nonchalantly. "If we don't leave now, we'll die" she said it so matter of factly I took it as another if her sarcastic and philosophical comments.

" Ala, I know you hate it here just as much as I do but.... don't you think thats a bit of a stretch, I mean, come on, you can't die of boredom, can you?"

" what ARE you talking about......Kai!? You mean to tell me you know this... this FILTH!?" my mother shrieked. What happened next happened so fast, I don't know how I reacted so quickly, but I did, and just in time. Ala lunged at my mother.

" IF YOU CALL ME FILTH ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR I'LL SLIT YOU'RE PUTRID TROAT" she hollered as she whipped a wicked black iron dagger that was twisted and bent like dead knarled trees. I grabbed my dragon tooth dager, engraved with vines that were painted green with purple flowers dotting them, and praried her attack. The moment the daggers clashed a flash of light blasted from them and sent me flying out the open window.

Sorry about how short it is, just love myself a cliffhanger. I'll update soon though!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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