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"So you're just leaving me here with puke noodles?" I asked my agitation on full display. As I leaned against the door holding the black and purple hat in my hands. As Mihawk checked his gear. It made me remember the first time we met. (Oh I remember when you and mihawk first met too, streaker.)

"You are upset with me for leaving, do not take your frustration out on others. You are not a child." He said as he checked his knife necklace thing. When he finished he sent me a glare and snatched his hat from my hands. I furrowed my brows and sighed. As much as I hated to admit it he was right. Frustration is something I do not normally struggle with. But this time is different I am frustrated because he is leaving and I cannot stop him. And I cannot make him comeback. So, him leaving and with the intentions to obviously fight did not sit well with me. I ran my hand through my hair causing my bangs to stick up. "Speak your mind, you have a really bad habit of keeping everything to yourself."

"First of all your one to talk. And Can you blame me, her and I don't necessarily get a long. You are leaving to obviously fight in some war. Which worries me... deeply. I just don't like this ok." I hugged my arms to myself and sighed. He paused and turned towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. My thoughts were out of control. I felt as if I was left standing in the dark. Not knowing where he was going, why he was going, and when he was going to be back. Seemed to eat at my mind.

"I am leaving you in charge, against my better judgment. Their's no need to concern your worries about me. I am strong, have some faith in my skills. I will be back shortly." He said as he smoothed down my bangs. His eyes never met mine, which made me uneasy. There was something that was not sitting right with him either. I could tell by the look in his eyes.

"What is it?" I asked addressing the lack of eye contact. His expression softened a bit by my question. He let his hand fall to his side. It was odd to see an expression like that from him. Usually you would only see it if he was reading.

"We will talk about it when I return." He said as he opened the large castle doors. He stepped out side and turned to look at me. "I want my castle in one piece when I return, just as it is now."

"Aye aye captain." I said which made him glare at me. His stiff face returned. I smirked at him as he shut the door. Although I knew that this man would never think of us as a crew. I was a stow away that stayed in the cellar. So, her could toss me out the first chance he could.

I let out a sigh when I heard the latch of the door go back into place. Resting my head on the door I worried. Mostly, that he was going to do something that he wished he would not have. I worried that he would never comeback. The thought of him not returning and leaving me here scared me. After a few moments I felt the back of my head be hit with something plush. Feeling my blood start to boil as I turned around.

"There is no need to worry about that ugly man." Perona stated which made me send her a glare.

"I promised to keep the castle as it is now. But did not promise the same about your face. Keep that in mind, pukey." I said which made her scoff and float away. Which surprised me, she was not the type that would let me have the last word. That means Mihawk talked to her or she just knows that today is not the day.

//// a few days later////

Mihawk certainly did not talk to her. The day after he left we went after each other like cats and dogs. I tried my best to keep up with the castle's needs and everything else. But about the third day my stress levels reached such heights that I am stuck as a cat. Which made things worse. The tormenting thought of Mihawk not returning was all I could think about. Fortunately, Perona has been in her room for the past few days. I sat at the window and waited for Mihawk. But ended up watching the sun set and the stars shine until I could not keep my eyes open.

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