Niall in America - One Direction Fan Fiction

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So I hope this story will get more reads. Thanks for giving this a try! I know this is annoying but PLEASE do COMMENT and VOTE ♥♡♥

"Uhm, excuse me..." I said to this guy.

"No, okay?! No. This is enough. I'm not him!" A wierd accented voice said.

"Yeah... Are you sure you're not supposed to be with like, people... In a white attire and so."

"Are you referring to me as mental?!"

"No-" I said, in a cheery voice. Who knew if he was agressive. "I was just about to ask for directions, but," I hesitated. "I can also ask someone else!" I quickly scuttered away.

"No, no... Please ask me. I was just... nervous." He articulated.

"For what?! Are you like, some mega-famous guy? Cuz' I don't think so!" I answer quiet loudly. "No offence." I quickly added.

He laughs. He has quite a cute laugh! "No no... That's funny though."

"Well, I actually wanted to ask if you knew where to get to Central Park by the entrance of the Natural History museum, but it seems as if I skip looking at the building and ask if you want to go drink a coffee now, at the Starbucks over there." I pointed to the Starbucks and hoped he would say yes.

"Uhm, sorry, I'm not like up for dating now. I'm single, but..." The guy stuttered.

"Well, someone's cocky!" I exclaimed, with a fake attitude. "You know I barely know you, I just asked for a coffee, and you think you're so special that I would want to date you, now, on a quick coffee at Starbucks. Hell, I don't even know your name!"

"Yeah, sorry..." The guy looked to his feet.

”Ah, no. Look, wanna go on that coffee or not?! Maybe then you'll tell me your name."

"You're the one to talk!" He suddenly said. "Do you think I know your name?!"

"Of course you know. Don't you recognize me? The magazines, publicity?! Uhm, no?! What d'ya mean. Goddamit don't shake your head, look at me!" I swaggered.

"I am so sorry but I don't know you. You know, I'm irish but come from England so maybe you're not famous there?" He said, kind of... ashamed and sorry.

I laugh! 

"That's sweet! But no, I'm sure you recognize me. Those magazines with all my close-ups that don't exist, these super-famous public videos of me that also don't exist, and of course, the famous fake interviews that I had with various imagine-reporters! I'm the mega-famous Lucy! Lucy Jeckinson." I declared loudly and clear.

"Ahh, of course I know Lucy! It's such an honor to meet you! Honestly!" He played along.

"So, who do I have the honor of meeting, Sir?" I asked in a very posh voice.

"I am Niall. Niall James. The only, the one... Niall James! Where are the cameras?!" He announced, loudly.

"Well," I shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you. Now, let's get to that coffee!"


"Oh my gosh! I didn't know a pea could get stuck inside the nose and would have to be gotten out with a tube and you had to stay 2 nights in hospital!!!" Niall laughed histerically.

"Yeah. Well, it happened!" I snort. Snort?! Why did I do that?! Whatever, Niall is nice - not like wierd and totally judgemental!

Did I know that guy from anywhere? I wouldn't know from where... He looked just like that blond guy in One Direction. Wasn't he also irish? I mean, I like their music but it's not like I know all their names. I know Harry and Liam. That's it...

Oh my gosh! I thought he is that blond guy from One Direction... Could it be?! But what if he wasn't and I totally, like, made a fool of myself.

"Ehm. Well, are you that guy from One Direction?" I asked, cautiously.

"Well... Yeah." Niall answered slowly. "Be honest, did you know all along and just wanted to be my friend?! Because then you can just leave, okay?! Why do you think I'm wearing these wierd baggy pants and this baseball hat and big sunglasses. People aren't supposed to notice me. So pretend you don't know who I am and walk away. You've got a private life. I need some free-time too, okay?!" He said quiete  loudly and obviously mad.

Then he put on a smile and a nicer tone.

"But have an autographed picture of me." He handed me a picture and left.

"Two things. I didn't even know who you were, and secondly: If I really wanted to be your friend wouldn't you think that I'd have rather complimented you than argue with you? Yeah, you know! And, I think you are quite full of yourself. So stop thinking you are all so special, and don't be rude. Okay, you are special but still... Bye!" I tell him, angry. I spin around on my heel and walk away.

"Okay, stop." I quickly look around. It's not Niall. Another, quite cute guy. Whatever. I thought we were, not friends, but at least we talked a bit about stuff. Well, I always was a quite quick truster and it was always like that...

"You can't escape me. I'm here."

"What the fu-dge. Fudge. Yes.

"Niall?! How did you get here before me? Two seconds ago you were- and- you- You are here? Did you run?"

"Yes I ran." He pants. "I'm sorry. I was being a snob. I only know you a few hours -  and no, I'm not gonna say something about about soulmates - but you treated me normal and I thought you didn't know who I was."

"Well," I assert. "I didn't. I just thought it when I said it. I was even scared that I's embarass myself. Well,"

"Well, you didn't. And I'm sorry."

"Thanks! Accepted."

"Good. Okay and then do you maybe want to go watch a movie in my suite and then get room service?"

"Yes, yes!!! Oh my god, yes!!!" I scream. Okay, embarassing much!

"Oohh... Kaayyy..." Niall answeres, creeped out. "Well, let's go. It's in this direction." Niall points to the right. 

Cool. Then now I will see his Suite!!!

"Come on, no day dreaming. We gotta go. It's like a 10 minute walk. Not so far."

"I know, 10 minutes isn't long. I walk alot. Believe me. So let's go." He honestly thinks 10 minutes walking is much? He is a celebrity. 

Thanks so much for reading! 

Have a lovely day <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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