Wedding and Rhode Island P1

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Ross and Rachel are sitting on the bed as the 6 am morning sun peeks through the window.

"Okay. So you have everything packed?" Rachel asks as she shoves her new Prada shoes into her suitcase and zips it all up.

Ross turns around and glances one more time to make sure he has everything. "Yes. This is it. I have it all packed. I can't believe our weding is tomorrow babe. It is going to be perfect."

Rachel smiles and does a little dance. She walks over to Ross and jumps up and kisses him. She wraps her legs around him. And then spin around laughing and smiling.


The sun is filling out the clear blue sky.

"Wow. Rhode Island is beautiful." Rachel says while looking out the truck window.

Ross nods. He is paying alot of attention to the curvy road up the mountain. They are almost to the hotel. The hotel is huge and so beautiful. They are getting married there.

"So the gang will be here in about two hours. So till then we need to make sure everything is set up and planned and ready. You know?" Rachel worries.

Ross smiles and grabs her hand, while still mocking at the road. "How about we just relax. Sit around and just talk. We already have everything planned. Its only 9:20. You have the whole day."

Rach just grins and then sighs. She is getting really stressed. As would most brides.


"Ross, its just as beautiful as the photos." Rach says as tears of happiness fill her eyes.

She runs in through the wooden doors with a bag inbetween her arms and pulling her giant Raulf Lauren suitcase. Ross yelling behind her to hold the door. But she is to busy being amazed to listen.

They both walk up to the front desk and put down their bags on a trolley.

"Hi. We have an appointment. Well actually a wedding." Rachel laughs. It's not even funny. But the word wedding and marriage surprises her. She always hoped for this day but had no idea it would turn out like this. She always expected it to be in the city, never in the woods. For her to be married to some big time guy in stocks or even a doctor. Not like she is complaining. It's better this way.

"Umm, last name?" The man asks, when a smirk on his face. His name tag reads Mark. But Rachel thinks he looks more like a guy with a weird name. Something like, guy.

"Geller." Ross shouts from the ground. He is picking up the things that flung out of this pocket when he grabbed his wallet out of his back jean pocket.

Mark looks at them and back at the screen. With a confused look on his face. "Geller-Green Wedding aye?"

"Yes. That's it." Rachel smiles.

"Well.. Ok. There has seemed to be a bit of a problem. We have your room for tonight but for your wedding. You see.." He stops for a second. With the look on his face when a doctor tells you that you have some kind sickness.

Rachel frowns then jumps on her tip toes to reach over the counter. She already has her bride craziness. "What kind of problem??" She screaks.

Ross pulls her back and looks at Mark.

"Someone has taken your place. I'm guessing that someone mixed up the dates. Because your wedding is supposed to be today next year..." Mark takes a step back and has a pen in his hand. Expecting to be attacked or something.

Rachel starts to scream. Ross grabs her. "Ok.. Ok. We will figure something out. We will talk to Monica and get something worked out. But for now can we get our room keys?"

He hands them over and again takes his step back.

..... {Two hours later}

Monica rushes into the room holding Emma's hand. Chandler runs after with Erica and Jack.

They thought something was tragically wrong. Rachel called balling her eyes out and then hung up.

"What's wrong Rach?" Monica asks.

"The wedding isn't going to happen. They don't even have an appointment. Someone took my place. Also Ross left. He said I was being dramatic. I have waited my whole life for this day and it goes wrong." Rachel sobs and takes big gulps of air between every few words.

Monica has one hand to her head running her fingers through her hair and sighing. She is trying to process everything that Rach just said.

"Okay.. Okay.. Let's see. Ok. Chandler you go find Ross."

Chandler sits there thinking. "Ok. Well I was going to try to figure out a joke. But surprisingly nothing came to mind."

"That's great honey. Now go! Now!" Monica yells as Rachel is still sobbing in the corner.

"Now hun, I will go talk to the guy in the front and get this figured out."

Rachel looks up, maskara is drooling down her face. She smiles a little. "Thank you."

(to be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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