Chapter Sixteen

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Hey! Happy Summer everyone! We made it! Anyways if you guys got a cover for me I'd be ecstatic to check it out and change this old one! My inbox is in my About section. I can't wait to see your guy's stuff!

"Agent Sam Kingsley reporting for Exception." I tell Miss Cassidy at the front desk of Headquarters. Miss Cassidy scans my Transmitter.

"You're all good to go." Miss Cassidy says. I walk back over to Leo who's standing a little ways away from the desk.

"Give me thirty." I tell him. He widens his eyes but nods once.

"Just knock at my door when you're done." Leo says. We then walk to our Changing Rooms.

When I get to mine I open the bottom three lockers. In the middle locker, the largest one is all my clothes that I can hang that I can wear when I'm not at the Agency. They're all hanging. I don't have many clothes, but I have a lot of variety. I have three shirts, one blouse, two dresses, two sweaters and one winter coat. Under all my hanging clothes are drawers with my pajamas and underwear. I choose one simple t-shirt from this locker. The locker next to it has all my pants. This locker is shelved so they're all folded. I have two jeans, shorts and skirts. I choose a pair of shorts. Afterward I go to the last locker which has my shoes. I take a pair of sneakers out of the single pairs of sandals and boots I own. I then take my only wallet out of my only bag. I stuff it in my pocket and head out, after taking out my ponytail. I meet Leo in the front. He has on a dark blue polo with jeans and brown dress shoes. Once I take his side we head out the door.

"You have your hair down." Leo tells me.

"Yeah. Do you like it?" I ask him.

"It's... Interesting." He says simply. "Anyways it's Exception, where do you want to go?" An Exception is a day off and since Leo and I are on the Debriefing team we always get an Exception after placing everyone because it's such a hard job. "We can try out a new restaurant. We haven't eaten out in a while. We can also go to the library. How about a park?"

"Leo I'm fine. Anywhere to do with-,"

"Shopping is a taboo." He finishes. I look at him and give him a proud nod of my head. I don't like shopping because there's no point. I'm never going to use most of the things I get. After a moment Leo says, "The park it is. I heard there's ice cream there." My face lights up at the sound of that and I look at Leo just to make sure he's not joking and one of those half smiles of his tell me he's not. "You know, I don't get why you like sugar so much."

"Well they don't give it to us at the Agency. It's all the same stuff there." I sigh.

"Do you want to go to a restaurant then?"

"No, the park with ice cream is fine." He looks up at the sky afterward. His eyes have a faraway look to them, as if he's not really here.

"Leo what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I elbow him.

"Come on, what are you thinking about." He looks at me with such intent and purpose then. He stops walking. "Leo?"

"I'm thinking about what it'd be like to have that ice cream." He tells me with a mischievous smile. I push him.

"Idiot." I say under my breath with a smile that creeps through.

"What'd you call me?"

Once Leo and I get there we see a large, but peaceful park. There's a few kids playing on the play set set in woodchips. As Leo and I keep walking the cement path, there comes an area that's just a grass field. There's a group of friends who are playing with a Frisbee and laughing a laugh that's quieted due to distance. There's another group playing with a soccer ball. As we get to the last end of the path, it rings around an ice cream stand. I can't help but walk a bit faster.

"Hey slow down, you eager beaver." Leo say taking my side.

"Catch up, slow poke." I make it to the stand before him. I look at all the flavors before me in big drums. I can't help but really smile. You know kids in a candy shop? I'm one right now. I hear Leo giggle.

"I'll take one caramel swirl." Leo says.

"And can I please have the chocolate brownie?" I then begin to open my wallet. Leo stops me.

"I'll pay, even though you called me an idiot." He says with a half smile.

"I did not." I lie.

"Oh I know what I heard." He says as he gives the man his money. We get our ice cream and try to find a tree to sit under that's away from most people. Once we find one we both lean against it. We eat our ice cream in a comfortable silence for awhile. I take a deep breath in and let it out, happy not to worry about guns and missions for a little bit.

I look at Leo and see he's doing the same too. He's the same Leo, but he looks so different out here than in HQ. Over there he always looked serious and tough. Leo looked like a rock that no one could touch. He seemed like the big brother that came with his little brother on the first day to make sure everyone knew not to mess with his sibling or else they'd get a piece of him. He has a strong face that looked bored all the time so you'd think that nothing could make him look as he does now. He looks so relaxed, vulnerable even. He's just sitting there, with his eyes closed. A breeze comes by and rustles that hair of his. Leo spikes his hair so that it looks like a black flame. That breeze tops everything off.

"What are you looking at?" Leo asks, eyes still shut. I blush.

"Nothing." He shakes his head with that same smile on his face. It's his signature, that smile that always looked like he kept a secret. He crosses his arms and goes back to sleeping. I yawn.

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