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I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG I WAS OUT. All I knew that I was sitting on the corner of a dark room, with shackles around my wrists, and my head was hurting, possibly because I was hit from behind by a blunt object. As I pulled, I heard the chains that was connected to the shackles so I pull harder, using the strength I was holding.

The pain on my shoulder made me yelp out loud.

"Save your strength, I already tried everything you did, Sammy."

My eyes widened, my head snapping around the room to locate where the voice came from. "Travis?"

"Yeah," he coughed, possibly from the dust or maybe he's been injured. Oh God, I need to get him out of here. "When Sean called Alex, we had to act fast to find you. Everyone was—"

His voice was coming from the opposite side of the room. Possibly from the corner too. I hear chains making friction from the floor, possibly his own chains.

"Sean and Adriana!" I yelled, suddenly reminded by the fact that they were tied to their chairs and almost scared to death. "Where are they? Are they okay? Please tell me they got out safe."

The door was open when my hand slid to the doorknob. With my glock 45, I used it to point straight ahead of me, making sure that I was sweeping an entire room and not leaving anything out. I could hear rustling by the dining room, but I knew better than to run in there blindly.

The house was a mess. There were vases that were fallen over causing for the glass to scatter everywhere, there were holes on the walls—I could tell that they were from a bullet, and there were little blood scattered around. Which meant that no one could have been seriously injured. If they were, there would me more blood all over the walls or floor.

The living room was clear and so were the stairs. As I reach the dining room, I see the glass table shattered to pieces, some chairs thrown on the floor, but two of them were still standing and were being sat by my brother and my best friend.

Sean was bleeding by his hairline but it's not serious, although he'll need stitches. He's still wide awake and his eyes are alert, adrenaline must've been rushing through him while Adriana sat beside him, completely passed out but obvious injury. She must've been knocked out by a chemical of some sort. Both of them had a cloth tied around their mouths, and rope tied around their wrists from behind and ankles tied around the legs of the chair.

"Ghee! Mfft!" Sean yelled, shaking his head for me to get closer.

I didn't listen. I went to Adriana first, making sure that her heartbeat was still okay by pressing two of my fingers to her neck, finding her pulse. It was strong, which was good.

I'm so sorry for this, Adri.

Raising my hand up, I struck her at the cheek, causing for her to jolt awake and scream. My index finger pressed on my lips. "Shh. We don't want anything that will alarm anyone who is here. Now, listen to me the both of you, I want you to run out of here as fast as you can when I let you go."

Fishing out my phone in my pocket, I place it on the pocket of Adriana's shorts. "Just run and call Alex, have him pick you up somewhere that the three of you will only know."

"Mff! Nff!" Adriana and Sean shook their heads, both saying different things at the same time.

Grabbing one of the glass shards, I used it to cut through the rope first at their feet and then to their hands. They automatically pull down the cloth around their lips.

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