living the dream (a 1D fanfic)

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.Beep. BeepBeep My alarm went off.

"Ugh!" I moaned. My eyes slowly opened as my hand reached out and banged my alarm off.

I looked to my left checking the time. It was 7am.

"Why is it set so early? It's"

My body shot up as I looked over to my calendar. There was a huge ring around today's date.

"Oh my God! It's here! It's finally here!" I screamed.

I quickly hopped out of bed and got ready as fast as I could.


3 hours later.

"We're here." I sighed.

I turned to my brother with a massive grin on my face.

"Wish me luck bro!"

"Good luck. Have fun!"

"Cheers. Bye!" I waved,hopping out of his car.

"Aye! Don't forget this."

"Oh yeah! I'd be screwed without this! Haha."

He passed my SLR Camera to me and I started to walk off.

"Don't forget to call me when you're done!" He shouted after me.


Normally there are screaming girls everywhere they go but to my surprise, there wasn't a single fan outside.

"I'm really here." I admired. "Wow."


I walked into the tall, cream building with a blue sign saying HILTON HOTEL.

"Can I help you Ma'am?" A young guy asked me. I presume he worked there because he was wearing a navy blue suit and his name tag said Hilton above the name Ted.

"Umm Yeah. I'm here for the One Direction Meet and Greet."

"Ahhhh 1D" He said using air quotes.

"haha yeah "1D"." I laughed mocking him.

"I should've guessed. Follow me."

"Okay." I said as I began to walk with him.

Come to think of it, he's quite cute. He had hair like Zayn's but it was curlyish which you totally wouldn't put together but it looked good. He had nice bone structure like Zayn and he smelt pretty nice too. Okay let's just say he was a white version of Zayn.

"You're different." he said.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, you're different to the other "directioners"."

"You're very up to date with your "1D" terms."

"My sister's a "Directioner"." He smiled.

Damn the boy had a nice smile.

"Aaah I see."

"Yeah anyway. You're different from them. Every single one that came in here had a shirt saying One direction or one of the boys' name. Whereas you, you've dressed...Non 1D." We both laughed.

"Yeah...I don't do the whole 1 Merchandise crap. Well except a bracelet or two. but that's it. Besides that I don't wear their name. I think it's tacky."

He stopped and put his hand over my mouth.

"Shhhhh" He said, looking around. "Don't let them hear you say that. They'll eat you...alive." He finished, staring at me.

living the dream (a 1D fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now