Ch: 25

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Luhan's POV

I kept on crying, beside her. 'How i wished that i would save her  everytime that she is danger.' "Luhan, c'mon lets eat first." Tiffany said "i'll follow later" i replied and she smiled and went out of the room.

Tao's POV

I ran hurriedly to Yuri's room, and went beside her. "Yuri-ah what happened?" i said while i faked cried then i felt a smack at my head "Oww!" i groaned "Stop it you acting is too much" Hyoyeon joked which made them all laughed "Hmph!" i muttered like a kid. "You are such a kid" Kai teased. As we were waiting i noticed something from Kai, the way he smiles facing Hyoyeon noona is a bit unusual he only shows that smile to the person he likes. "Ya Tao what are you whispering?" Kai asked and i was startled "Nothing!" Someone knocked and it was Tiffany noona "Tao don't ever call us 'noona' okay!" Tiffany ordered "Lets eat first at the cafeteria!" i said and they all nodded "Oh Hyoyeon please call Suho at Taeyeon's Room, and Kai please accompany her" i said and the two nodded "Lets go! the other are waiting" i muttered

>>fast forward

Everyone was at the cafeteria even Luhan except for Taeyeon, Yoona & Yuri. No one dared to speak because of the sudden happenings, but i dared to cheer them up "So guys, are you okay now?" i said then i felt Chen's fingers interwinding with my hands then we held hands while eating. They hung their head low "Okay i'll explain what happened" i weakly said "But promise us you won't tell anyone" i continued. Then me and Jessica started story telling them.

They had shocked faces i can tell obviously daebak, i heard Chanyeol's voice i can hear you all nine of us can hear your thoughts. Chanyeol looked flustered but then i started teasing Chanyeol and Sooyoung and they started teasing Me and Chen. "Luhan, don't be upset i'm sure Yoona will survive" i cheered him up while Suho was rubbing his back in circles.

Then a nurse came "Excuse me, Ms. Kwon Yuri has woken up" She said and we smiled "Oh thanks" i replied. We all ran to Yuri's room but me and Chen only walked as we held hands then we were the only ones left. He laughed "Why what is funny?" i asked "You are so cute!" he said while pinching my cheeks "Well you too!" i said and squeezed his cheeks and pecked him in the lips. Then we went to Yuri's room.

Yuri's POV

I felt 21 heads above me covering the light i sat up and noticed that i was at a hospital "W-where am i?" i asked.


it tool me forever to update but here it is cheers!

This is my very first story so forgive me if there are some wrong grammars, spellings, use of punctuations.

Saranghae 💛💙💜💚

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