Dangerous decision

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     Lawrence followed Future speedster and saw Future Lawrence.

Lawrence: interesting... I'll absorb them all!!

Daemion arrived...

Daemion: Red you can't run from me... Who are you?

Future L( too lazy to write Lawrence): I am God of all!! I am a demon of hell, I am the darkness!!! And I am hungry for light.

Daemion: we should totally work together until I eventually betray you.

Future L: you can't fool me. You're just a simpleton!

Daemion: take that back or else.

Future L: or what? You're gonna cry to mommy? Hahaha

Daemion: You asked for it!

Red: it's working! Wait what?!!

Future L killed Daemion already. He was so strong not even the king of the underworld can't defeat him. Because from no on Future L is a God of all!

Gold: I'm here! So who do I fight?

Goku: this kid.

Gold: Red!! I can't beat him on his own! I can sense his energy! He is strong!

Red: Good old fusion?

Gold: oh fusion is the right answer!

Gold and Red got ready to fuse so they can combine their power and get even stronger!


Reld: I am not Red or Gold! I am Reld!

Future L: this might not be boring after all. Let's go!

Who would win the fight? Find our next time in Book of the Century!

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