If only

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Chapter .3
So then Charlene stayed the night.
In the morning they got another unexpected guest
Alvin knocked,who am I kidding he skateboarded ,flung the door open and said
"Hey girls" Alvin said ,wait who's your new friend she's hot.
Brittany said this is Charlene and she was just leaving.No I'm not Charlene said with a grin and a wink.
"So where do you guys no each other from ?"Alvin said .
"Why are you really here Alvin ?"Brittany said with a smug look on her face.
"Oh yah Britt I need a favor ,can you please do my chores because I got to buy a the new skateboard on the market,it's so cool,awesome and everything I love .pleeeeeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeee Brittany."
"Charlene and I are going shopping ,must I ask the Chipettes if they will hang with her or will you ."Brittany said,"no !Brittany no ,your so crule ."Alvin said in beggy voice.
"Um you know she's standing right here" Brittany said
Alvin sucked it up and said "fine Britt you win I will take Charlene with me😩."

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