Chapter Twenty-Four: Tragedy

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*Harry's POV*

I lay on top of the hood of my Range Rover. I stared at sky, wondering how Ryder was doing. Louis forbid me from contacting anyone. Saying it was best to keep a low profile and stay off the grids.

My decision to flee and hide makes me seem like a coward but it had to be done. I knew he would chase me and leave everyone else alone. I can't wait until the day that I reunite with Ryder.

The downside about seeing her again is telling her the truth. It's hard for me to tell her but I'll have to do it soon or later. The only ones that know about this are Niall, Gemma and I. In some form or way, we are all involved.

It was a horrid thing for me to do; but I had no other alternative.

It was either Gemma or him.

I hope Ryder can understand my reasoning and not think of me differently. Because regardless of my justification, I am still a murderer.

A killer, an assassin.

I hop of the car and stride to the door. The boards creak as I walk to my room. I am so grateful to have a mate like Louis. One that has looked out for me and has been there for me. To be honest, sometimes I see him more as a brother than Edward.

I mean I love my twin but he would never comprehend anything. Why I act the way I do. Why I surround myself with bad people.

True was all of us were similar; we all loss someone special to us. Whether they want to admit it or not, we are just a bunch of hurt teenagers who misbehave to ease the pain we feel. First, my father abandon me and then Gemma did too.

It was for the best. Now she is happy; living with her new boyfriend in Australia.

I am finally starting to have people who genuinely care about me and I am not going to put them in danger. Even if it means stay away from them.

I close my eyes, letting out a stressed sigh. My eyebrows scrunch together as I hear faint mumbles. I later realized it's my ring tone and jump out of bed. I listen closely to try to track it. I had no use for it these couple of days so I would neglect it. And now I can't find it.

I lifted up a cushion from the couch and my phone collapse on the floor. I hastily pick it up answering, "Hello?" 

"Harry.." Louis started. "What? What is it?" I urge.

"It's Ryder." My stomach dropped and I'm pretty sure that the color drained from my face. "What happened to Ryder?"

"He took her." My breathe hitches in my throat as he says the words I dreaded to hear. "How?! I thought-"

"I'm almost there." He cut off. "So you know where she is? Tell me, Louis."

"Let me send you it, hold on." The line was then disconnect. I relax as I receive a text with the directions. I hurry outside to my car, praying that I wasn't too late.

*Ryder's POV*

Everything began moving in slow motion. Sounds were muted to distant noises. My surroundings became hazy as I focused on the groaning male on the ground. My eyes watered as my heart sunk. My body felt limp as I step toward him.

A pair of arms slid around my waist, "we have to go." He whispered. "No, not without him." I cry, wiggling in his hold.

"We have no other option. Louis can't hold back Niall any longer. And of one his men might wake up."

"We can't leave him behind." I jump out of his grasp and run to wounded boy. Falling on my knees to be in front of him.

"Ryder, go." He choked out, blood on the corner of his lips. "Not without you." I replied my voice cracking. I turn back to look at Harry. "Harry, help me. We can get him to a hospital and-"

"He's waking up!" Louis warned. Harry dashed over to the bloke punching him in the face. Knocking him out.

"Ryder, listen to me..." Edward's hand rose to my cheek, his thumb stroking it. A trace of red liquid staining it. I nuzzle into his palm not caring about the fluid and cherishing this moment. "I know- I know I won't make it out of here." He coughed.

"Don't say that." I plead, a tear escaping my eye. "Now get up." I attempt to lift him up but miserably fail.

"It's okay, Ryder. I'll be somewhere better." He assured, grabbing my hand. "Just don't forget about me."

"Never." I promise.

"Take care of her and make her happy." Edward turn to the right, talking to Harry who was kneeling next to him. "Always." He whimpered. Edward waved his hand, gesturing Harry to come closer. Edward weakly leaned up, Harry holding his neck to help him. Whispering something it his ear,

Harry nodded. "I remember." His eyes teary up. 

"I want you to have this." He shakily reach for his pendent, unhooking it and placing it in my hand. Pushing my fingers to my palm, enclosing the necklace. "As a memory." He tiredly smiled, his prominent dimples were barely noticeable.

I kiss his forehead. "I'll never take it off." His eyes flutter as he tried to stay awake. "No, please." I beg. "Stay with me."

"I always will be." He squeezes my hand as he lets out his last breath. His grip loosens as I sob. I clutch onto his shirt, pulling him to me. My head resting on his chest.

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Hope you enjoyed. We didn't want some cliche ending so we went with this. There's one chapter left and an epilogue. Vote and comment. The more you comment the faster the update. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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