how my strange world began

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*going back a bit*
"Luke, Time to get up!!"
I groaned, was it that time already? I glanced wearily over at my clock, sugar, 7:00 am, I'm gonna miss the bus!
Miserably I crawled out of bed, this was most definately the worst part of the day!

When I had finally got downstairs I noticed something unusual. It was dark, no one was there! What the hell? Cautiously I switched on the kitchen light, "mom?!" I exclaimed, shocked, "why the hell are you sitting in the dark?"
She just sat still as stone and stared into the distance. I crept over and touched her shoulder, she flinched slightly.
"Please mom, what's going on?" I whispered, "he's gone." Her voice wobbled like a jelly.

It was only till I thought about it for a bit that I realised who she was talking about. "Dad" I muttered, my voice starting to shake. For a while we both just said nothing, but then I lost it: "WHY DOES EVERYTHING BAD HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME?" I screamed, and grabbing my bag I ran out of the house, slamming the door behind me.

Nothing was ever the same again.mum started to drink on a regular basis; all she did was lie miserably on the sofa. So I had to take care of everything. Since that fateful day it has been hard for me to be a kid.

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