Chapter II - Love?

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"So she'll be working with you from now on." my new major boss, the director of JYP, smiled at the incredibly big amount of artists and co-workers that had just arrived at the building. I blush and cough to break the silence barrier that formed in front of me and my new colleagues. I bow my head and they bow back. I still couldn't believe it. Was I really going to do this? My body started moving on its own as these worried thoughts took my mind. "Where do you think you're going?" my major boss grabs my shoulder and turns me around to face him. I tilt my head in confusion. "You need someone to teach you how JYP works." he speaks.

"I can do it on my own." I say, shivering at the lift, ready to go up to more than a hundred floors.

"No, you can't." he grabs my hand and I pout, caressing his arm. He realises the purpose of my actions and raises one eyebrow. "What? Me? I'm too busy to show you around to a hundred and sixteen floors." he speaks and I feel myself falling. He takes me into the lift and clicks on the button with the number fourty three on it. I look at him, then at the lift's door. Then back at him, and back at the door. I close my eyes as we enter a room, and hang my mouth open in desbelief as I recognise seven bright faces by opening my eyes again.

"You can't possibly be seri-" I blush.

"Guys!" my major boss cuts me off. "I heard you're not really busy these days since you're having a break from the successful debut," he said, emphasizing the word busy by raising his voice when he noticed empty bottles of coke laying on the floor and chocolate chips giving the boys' a brand new lipstick. "so, I want you to show this girl I just introduced before around in JYP. And try to teach her some of the basics and rules here." he smiles, innocently, and I realise the meaning of his words.

"Boss, this isn't right." I whisper to him. He pats my shoulder aggressively and I close my eyes, waiting for an answer. I peek by slightly opening one of them and find the guys smiling and chuckling.

"Sure!" one of them speaks and I jump in surprise. He then grins and nods at the others who nod back at him. "Come and get it," he starts "GOT7!" and the others follow his words. "Hello! We're GOT7 and look forward to work with you." they say, hastly, wiping their mouths and smiling at me.

"Hello, I'm Kim Eunji and I also look forward to work with you." I bow my head and then realise something's missing. "Hum..." I hesitate. "I might not have the looks to be able to work here confidently, the voice or even the personality..." I say, shyly. "But I'll try my best."

"You're pretty." one of them pats my shoulder. I look up and find Jackson staring at me with a deadly serious gaze. I feel my face heating up and cover it in embarrassment. "Can you sing for us a bit?" he asks and some of the others clap. I shake my head and bite my lip.

"You're scaring her." my boss giggles and I raise my eyebrows. "Take good care of her, alright?" he pats my head and leaves the confused boys and the embarrassed me alone, with nothing to do but stare at the floor

"Do you want us to show you around right now or you don't mind us practice a bit?" Jaebum looks at me.

"Oh!" I shake my hands. "Take your time and practice!" I raise my eyebrows in shock and hold the door handler, ready to get out of here.

"Wait!" he grabs my hand. "You can watch us. If you want!" he scratches the back of his head and I cover my face as I feel it heating up again. I then sit on the black couch in their practice room and wait for the music to start.

Then, the beat comes in. Girls, Girls, Girls, I smile, proud for being able to immediately recognise it. My eyes couldn't stop moving. I wanted to watch every single one of them but the fast choreography wouldn't let me keep up. Then, my favourite part came. I focused on one of them and my eyes started shining as his skillful backflip filled the room with the bright light of talent. Finally, after some seconds, the song ends and I clap my hands. The leader approaches me. "Thank you." he says and I smile.

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