
10 2 1

I walked into a small village. It was a nice little place and seemed to have lots of food markets. I untied the peace of linen that held my money and frowned, I only had two copper pieces left not nearly enough to get  food for my journey. I guess i would be singing for my dinner again.

I found a busy part of the village and placed my piece of linen in front of me. I started to sing, my voice soared high above the chatter of the market as people stopped to listen by the time I was finished a large crowd had formed around me. They threw coins onto my cloth and clapped loudly as I blushed.

After everyone had walked away I picked up my cloth and counted how much money i had earned. 4 gold pieces And 25 silver. I smiled this would keep me going for a month at least.

I turned to walk away when a hand grabbed mine. I turned and looked at the dirty hand on my wrist before looking up to the face of a smirking man.

"Well hello there" he said grinning evilly at me " you have a very pretty voice young lady would like to come and sing for me, i will pay you largely"

I frowned at the man, i didn't like the way he looked at me, as if i was a toy he was going to use, but i know men like these and they don't play nice.

"Sorry but I'm afraid that I have places to go and people to see" I said and tried to pull my hand away. But his gripped on my hand tightened and his smirk turned to a scowl.

"Now now little lady you are coming with me" he said and pulled me.

I narrowed my eyes at him i would have used my water bending on him right there and then but i couldn't draw attention to myself this town was probably crawling with thugs that would hand me over to the Espardians as they would pay a hefty price.

"Fine you win" i said with a shrug.

"Wait...W..What!!??" He said his eyes widening in shock.

"I said you win" i  grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked him towards me as he let out a cry of pain. I leaned in and whispered in his ear "but let me give you a warning i have four knifes and a vile of poison on me and if you don't want to be found frothing at the mouth and covered in knife holes i would advise you to run away and never let me see your dirty face again, got it???" I let go of him and stared at him a small smile playing on my lips as he looked at me in terror. He took a few steps back before running for the hills.

Ok so maybe i had bluffed a bit, i only had one knife with a compartment for poison but I'm not saying i actually have any.

Suddenly my stomach grumbled loudly earning me a couple of stares. I looked around and spotted a nice looking food shop called the, Yum Tums Great Food, I went over eagerly, longing for a meal.

-------20 minute time skip-------

I walked out of the shop loaded with food and a satisfied tummy. Suddenly i spotted something that made me stop in my tracks. A few feet away from me a group of men stood staring at a poster then back at me then at the poster again. The colour drained from my face as i saw what was written on the poster.

                                                              WANTED: ALIVE
16 year old sarah williams, shoulder length curly blond hair, blue eyes, height: 5 foot 7 . Also known as the last water bender. Last seen wearing torn black t-shirt, baggy, grey dirty trouser, black shoes and a blue necklace. If found and brought to the Espardians ALIVE they will receive a prize of 1000 gold pieces and the noble honour of meeting the king of the Espardians without being sentenced to death.
                                                                                                ~Chief Barbolan

They looked at me with hungry eyes as they stood up and grabbed there weapons. I turned and ran still holding my bag of food. I dodged people as i ran as fast as i could away from the group of men. Suddenly it got very hard to breath.

No!, I thought, not now, any time but now!!! I mentally screamed at myself for not doing my asthma breathing technics as I ran.

Suddenly  I ran into someones hard chest i fell to they ground gasping for breath.

"Wow are you okay" the person i had run into asked. I looked up and saw a worried boy looking down at me.

"Im .........fine .............cant .............. Breath .................running ...............please" i managed to get out.

I heard shouts from behind me and i grabbed the boys arm in terror, " ..please..."
He looked down at me and something crossed over his eyes but it wasn't there long enough for me to define it.

Suddenly the group of men appeared in front of us and the boy stood in front of me protectively. "Leave her alone " he stated angrily.

"Look kid we don't want any trouble" one of the men said " just hand over the girl and nobody gets hurt."

He growled angrily " if you dare lay a hand on my waterlily i will personally murder you" he said.

I gasped at the sound of the name no nickname from long ago and as the memories i had kept locked away for so long flooded. I looked at the boy in front of me and whispered one last word before my world turned to darkness.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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