Chapter I

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You need to watch Chuck before reading this for it to make sense. Alternative ending.

Song to listen to: Signs by Bloc Party

On the beach. He told me our story. Every little detail and every moment in all its glory, all our fights too, and I knew he kept nothing from me. Afterwards, I think I was falling back in love with him, but none of the story seemed real, just a novel being told, not my life. Until he kissed me.

As soon as his soft lips touched mine, I felt immediate pain in my abdomen and my brain hurt, as if all the migraines in my life combined together in that one moment. I was in utter agony, yet I wasn't thinking about the pain. I was thinking about Chuck. Behind my eyes it burned, and midway through the kiss I must have been doubled over in pain.

Suddenly, right before my closed eyes, I saw Chuck, but not Chuck now: a Chuck with long, uncontrollable hair, working in a nerd herd help desk with his best friend. I saw him twirling the phone wire around his fingers as Morgan whispered: 'It's Vicky Vale!', Chuck chanting in response. Suddenly my mind fast forwarded, focusing on the past with him.

At this point in real life, I was passed out and sweating, shaking, and burning hot.

After The Kiss (Charah, Chuck and Sarah)Where stories live. Discover now