The Bazuhu

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Life aboveground has been obliterated.

This is the story of how it happened.

In the early years of my life there was a terrible disaster, wiping out everything above ground. Scientists had created the most powerful weapon in the world: The Bazuhu. It was called The Bazuhu because in the Biz Tundra (where they developed the Bazuhu) Bazuhu is Bizin for "destroyer of worlds". That is all the information I can give on the Bazuhu. Now I shall begin my tale...

Everyone in Boh City was ecstatic for the unveiling of the Bazuhu. Crowds screamed and cheered as a huge TV screen showed scientists in a airtight chamber making the final touches to the Bazuhu's control panel. Suddenly, a deafening screeching siren echoed through the streets. "ATTENTION BOH CITY RESIDENTS: WE HAVE ACCIDENTALLY REWIRED THE BAZUHU SO IT WILL DETONATE IN 352.13 SECONDS. EVERYBODY HEAD TO THEIR NEAREST BAZUHU SHELTER IMMEDIATELY." The scientists were running out of the chamber, scrambling to get to the airlock.

I remember the terrible panic that hit the city like a tsunami. People swarmed into the Bazuhu shelters, trying to find their family in the sea of people. Luckily, I managed to squeeze in the doors at the last second. There was lots of stairs, which seemed to be leading down into a dark abyss. Some people explained this by saying that the lower down we are, the more our chances of survival.

I was one of the unlucky ones; I was stood too close to the huge blast resistant doors.Therefore, I got burned to death by the particles. However, if I was really dead then how would I be telling you this story...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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