Meeting the One

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"Hi my name is...well I don't know I couldn't remember anything including my name where I came from and why I'm here. When I woke up I was on the other side of the island confused. I had a pounding headache but it went away as I calmed down. Hey it seems like the same thing happened to you. "I replied. "Yeah I guess so" he said with a grin on his face. "So how come you never asked for help or called out to one of those boats?" I asked.  "I've tried but it's like they can't respond like they're fake or something. "He stated. " Um this might sound weird  but can you teach me how to build one of those huts or can I stay with you?"I asked in a shaken voice. "I want you to feel comfortable so you are welcome to stay with me any time but if you want to feel more independent then I suggest you have your own hut.  A few hours later I had a place to stay. It was small but surprisingly comfortable. "Well you should get some sleep. "He said in a firm voice. " Good night Tamonoo "I replied

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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