chp. 2

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abby pov

Tomorrow is the day I meet my idol, my life, my heart and soul. I try to close my eyes and sleep, but Jacob consumes all of my thoughts. 

 The thought of him fucking me, kissing me, or hell, even fucking touching me makes me so nervous and





After staying up until 6 am thinking about Jacob licking me, my vision goes black. I wake up to my mother towering above me yelling in my face "WAKE UP,  MAGCON IS TODAY AND WE NEED TO LEAVE IN AN HOUR!" Piss streams down my legs and puddles on my bed. 

I cleaned up my bed as good as I could, slurping my urine up and leaving the dry sticky pee on my legs as a natural parfum.

 I started doing my makeup with condiments such as mustard and ketchup  to impress Jacob. I put on my best clothes, green cargo pants with my plain blue shirt I got from jesus camp. 

Yeah it got a couple of sketti stains but guys love when girls eat a lot.


fucking hell where is this going omfg  btw these chapters are so short sorry

for all of you that are going to contact me after reading this fucked up chapter and worry about me, im rlly fine i just got a dirty mind and sorry this is so fucking gross omfg i nearly threw up in my mouth making it.

xoxo gossip gurl

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