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I groan lifting myself off of my bed, as my alarm clock loudly rang in my ear. I walked out of my room and into the bathroom I shared with my brother. I brush my teeth, throw my hair up into a messy bun, wash/moisturize my face, and then leave back into my room. I groan not wanting to go to school, mainly because of the fact that I can't stand anyone in my grade they're all so immature it agitates my very last nerve, literally it's on the verge of breaking!! But anyways I put on my clothes for the day (picture included), grab my bag, phone, and headphones, then walk down the stairs. I hear my brother, Kingston aka "king"coming down the stairs, as finish putting all my homework into my bag.

"Let's go Brelynn." He says walking out the door with me following. We stop by McDonald's each getting something to eat with him paying of course, because that's the normal routine. The ride to school was fairly silent. Me and my brother aren't really morning people. Once we got to school I through out the McDonald's bag and walked into school already dreading the day. I head towards my locker. Throwing my book bag inside i grab my calculous binder and book from the top shelf.

"Fuuuuck." I groan very loudly knowing I'd be late to class.
"Watch your mouth Reynolds." I could hear some teacher say not really paying attention.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever." I mumble loud enough for the teacher to hear. Slowly walking up the stairs to my class. I hear the final bell ring as I pick up my pace to class.

"You're late Brelynn." Mr. Santos said.
"Wouldn't be the first time" I mumble walking to my desk, hearing him chuckle...it's not really my desk, but I normally sit here...so i say it's mine. I roll my eyes not acknowledging him.

"Well since you guys just finished your mid year exams yesterday, I figure I'd give you guys a free-" Mr. Santos started but was cut off by the class cheering. I roll my eyes once again bc it's way to early to be hearing so much noise. I grab my stuff and walk out of the room, with some following. I'm one of, if not the smartest, most mature, and trustworthy person in this class. Not to sound egotistical or anything.

I was planning on going to the library, until I hear my name being called by Mr. Santos.
I reluctantly turn around and trudge my way towards him.
"So we have sort of a problem." He mumbled, being pretty high acquaintances with Mr. Santos I already knew what was coming.

"You haven't really been participating in my class lately." He said sitting on his desk.
"You're no doubt the smartest person in my class, hell; you're the smartest student in this damn school." He continued, then paused.
" I don't want to have to bring down your participation credits, and have you not pass my class...so to bring up your participation grade, you'll be spending my classes tutoring one of your fellow peers." He said earning a groan from me.

"Whyyyyyy." I dragged on, whining. I heard a few laughs, causing me to turn my head...only to meet the gaze of him and his friends.
I immediately snapped my head back at Mr.Santos.
"No." I said sternly knowing who'd I'd be tutoring instantly.
"Brelynn." He said stern as well.
"But-" I started but was cute off
"You're doing it, whether you like it or not." He said clearly not having any of my excuses.

"But you don't understand, I can't stand hi-" I attempted to continue but was cut off once again.
"Brelynn! It's final." He said slightly raising his voice.
"It's can't be that bad." He mumbled.
"How do you expect me to teach someone who doesn't want to learn?!" I exclaimed annoyed.
"Sorry, not a morning person." I apologized realizing my tone was very inappropriate considering I was talking to my favorite teacher.
"Bre, I've known you and your family long enough to know you're not a morning person" he chuckled.
"But yeou'll figured it out, you're a very smart person...I know you and I know my class, if there's anyone who can teach him, it's you." He says walking out of the room earning a loud groan from me....I fell onto the floor, as standing was becoming very draining. I laid there in silence, hearing him and his group ask each other questions along the line of, if I were okay.

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