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Brelynn's POV
"Borrow me for what?" I questioned confused as Melo pulled me away.
"To talk.." He said pulling me further and further into the deep end of the pool.
"Melo chill, i can't swim!" I whined scared. He only chuckled.
"Boy I'm serious!" I yelled as he laughed harder i was clingy into him for dear life.
"I got you, you think I'd let you drown?" He said with a chuckle/smile. I rolled my eyes, everyone loved his smile. I guess I got lost in his face, because before I could realize his lips connected with mine. My arms were already wrapped around his neck, but his hands slowly moved from my thighs to my butt. I slowly pull away, with my legs strengthening the grip they had around his waist, so I wouldn't fall.
"Melo I can't do this again.." I said looking down. It still hurt to think that he threw away a decade of being best friends over a girl that didn't even like him for who he was. I looked back up to see him puzzled, as if he didn't know what to say.
"I'm sorry, I know I hurt you and I know we might not ever be able to get back to where we used to be. But I just want you to know that I am so sorry and I'd do anything to take back what I did. I should've never left you confused and out of the blue, I just really thought she liked me and that she was the one." He rambled. I couldn't help but look away, regardless of countless apologies I don't think I'd ever be ready to give him back the trust he earned before.
"Bro come on!" Melo yelled as his brothers threw an inflatable pool basketball at us.
"Y'all are being so lame!" Lonzo yelled back.
"Yeah y'all weren't ever kissy close before...well at least not in front of us." Gelo added. Lamelo rolled his eyes throwing the ball back and directing his attention back to me. I rested my head against his chest, unintentionally listening to his heartbeat. I could feel tiredness start to consume me. I looked over at everybody playing chicken, they were all having fun. Maybe I should just give Melo another chance.

I walked up the driveway waving to Tina who had seen me through a window. I continued towards the guest house. I was going to see Melo, i hadn't seen him all week because he had a basketball tournament in New York. I walked pasted his car, signaling he was home.
"Bestie where are you!" I yelled walking into the house. I noticed one of his t-shirts on the floor. I picked it up walking towards his room.
"Melo." I called out. Walking up the stairs noticing more clothes, but some weren't his.
"Oh lord not again." I mumbled walking further up the stairs/into the house. Melo has been with this new girl non stop and it's honestly getting annoying. I've walked in on them having sex more than three times and they've barely been together for a couple of weeks. I rolled my eyes with my hand on the doorknob. Slowly opening the door. I shut my eyes scared to look through the slight crack i had made. I opened one eye only to see a naked Lamelo asleep with this girl in his arms. I sighed feeling slightly defeated, i was losing my best friend. I went down the hall to see if Gelo was home, and with my luck he wasn't.
"AAAHHH!!!" We screamed in unison.
"Lamelo you scared me!" I said panting.
"I scared you? Why are you here? I've got to start locking the door." He said rubbing his head. Wow, that didn't hurt at all.
"How long have you been here." He questioned with a hint of annoyance.
"Just a few minutes i was about to leave when i saw you asleep...but i wanted to stop and say hey to Gelo." I started to walk back towards the stairs to leave out.
"Yeah you needa stop just coming by unannounced." My best friend said turning around to face me. He's acting like he doesn't do the same exact thing. A few weeks ago he literally was at my house everyday while i wasn't even home.
"Wow, hello to you too. You know Mel it's really annoying when i come to see you after you've been gone for a week, and the first thing i see is another girl naked in your bed." I started to become irritated. I don't know who pissed in his cereal but it's not my fault.
"Well maybe if you'd stop popping up then that wouldn't even be a problem. I'm just trying to spend time with my girl and every time you ruin it by showing up!" He began to raise his voice. Wow, so i just ruin everything to him.
"maybe if you'd stop having sex with a girl you just met, i wouldn't have anything to ruin!" I yelled back, i can't believe he's blaming this on me.
"Wow so that's what this is about, cause I'm having sex and you're not? You thought i was going to lose my virginity to you and never have sex again? Wrong, you just helped me get over my first time and now i don't need you." He spat. I could feel my face drop. Ouch, he doesn't need me. Maybe he didn't mean it like that.
"I lost mine to you too, it's not like- you know what just forget it, have all the fun you want, you don't need me anymore." I began, but soon turned to walk away with a sigh.
"Melo, who are you yelling with?" His new girlfriend called out from his room.
"It's nobody important don't worry about it, they were just leaving." He said following after me and opening the door.
"You know Lamelo you would think i knew you, especially after being best friends with you for so long. It's like you don't even care, you're so single minded but maybe you'll understand one day, when that dumb bitch breaks your heart. Remember, I've always had your back through everything, and you've always needed me." I said lastly before walking out the door.
"Whatever i don't need you now i have someone else to fill that roll." He tried to squeeze in before shutting the door, but i pushed it back open.
"Trust me, can't nobody fill the bond we have, that we built since we were in elementary school." I said lowly in disbelief, this can't really be happening.
"Someone already di-" He began to say only to be cut off again. I wanted to cry, because that truly did hurt. We'd been best friends for as long as i could remember and he ruins it once we get to high school.
"Melo" she called out again.
"I'm coming love, just give me a second" Melo yelled looking back at me, it's like he wanted to close the door but something was holding him back. Maybe he was just caught up in the moment and didn't mean what he said, but then again there's no way of telling with him.
"You know I've let a lot of things slide but you won't be able to come back to me this time, I'm over you always taking advantage of my kindness for weakness." I said before grabbing the door myself and closing it. I could see him walk away causing a single tear to fall, before many others followed. I turned around bumping into Gelo.
"What's wrong Peanut." He said noticing the tears falling from my eyes.
"Nothing, your brother is just being an ass like usual." I said before wiping my eyes. Gelo sighed bringing me into a hug. More tears fell from my eyes cause him to sigh.
"Lio" i said, that's my nickname for him.
"What." He responded.
"Please don't go and hurt him." I said laughing a little. He was always on go for me, even if it was one of his own brothers. I remember when Lonzo broke my arm when i was younger and Lio almost killed him.
"I guess, only cause you're in tears right now" he responded lowly, giving me one last squeeze before i pulled away.
"I'm gonna go home and probably shoot for a while." I said wiping my face before walking away.

.....End Flashback.....
I think I'm going to end this part with the end of the flash back. There's going to be more of these so you guys can see more in depth of Melo's and Bre's past relationship/friendship.

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