chapter 1 anniversary day or cheating day?

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Minah woke up with a smile on her face. Today is Minah and Geon 6 year anniversary. She live here with her brother named Henry, even though Henry its not her biological brother but Minah love Henry like her own brother. Henry sitting down and enjoy his breakfast
"See ya" minah say while waving her hand
"You're not gonna eat breakfast?" Henry ask with mouth full of food
"I'm late already" Minah say, Henry rise his eyebrow and looking at Minah weirdly
"Late? Are you sick? You still have lots of time" Henry say
"It's my anniversary day with Geon, where have you been all this time?" Minah ask
"You know I don't really want to be get into your relationship" Henry say while scratching his head
"Whatever, don't forget to lock the door" Minah say then walk out from the apartment
"Minah!!" soyeon yell from far
"Have you see Geon?" Minah ask soyeon who walk close to Minah
"No I haven't, oh btw congratulation" Soyeon say
"Thanks, well better find Geon. See ya" Minah say
Minah walk to the park, library and canteen to find Geon but he's not there, until Minah walk to one of the corridor that is not many people in there.
"G-Geon?" Minah say in shock, looking at someone that she love and trust kissing other girl on their anniversary day. Geon stop what's he doing after saw Minah standing in front of him.
"I'm sorry" Geon say and you can see he's not even really mean to say sorry
"S-sorry? You say sorry? It's our anniversary day and this is your gift for me?" minah ask in anger
"But..." Geon say then Minah cut him off
"Stop, don't even go near me" Minah say and walk a few step back then run away while crying
Minah saw Henry on the way but she doesn't care she keep running.
"What's wrong with her? Is she crying?!" Henry say
Since that day, Minah doesn't want to go to school she even doesn't want to go out from her room. She was screaming and crying everyday, Minah's parent came to visit.
"How's Minah doing?" Mom ask
"Not so good, she still in her room" Henry say
"There's no any other way, we have to take her to America with us" dad say
"Like now?!" Henry ask
"Yes, can you please pack her stuff?" Mom ask Henry
"Yes, but what plan did u guys have mom?" henry ask
"Nothing, maybe just take her to talk to a doctor" mom say
"OK whatever you say" henry say and start packing Minah's stuff
After packing, henry take them to airport.
"Take care of" henry say
"You too dear" mom say
"In 1 year you have to comeback OK, you have to back to Minah that I know" henry say to Minah but Minah didn't say anything
~back to apartment~
"It feel lonely without Minah here" henry say and sighed
Suddenly Henry's phone ringing.
"What's up?" Henry ask over the phone
"Can I stay at your place?" A guy named so ji sub ask
"Well its kinda lonely without Minah here" Henry think
"Fine, but pay for your own food" henry say
"Of course I will, i still have money for food" ji sub say
Its been 1 year since ji sub moved in and Minah is not coming back yet.
Henry was sleeping when his phone is ringing.
"Can you just shut your phone it's annoying" ji sub say with close eyes
"What the hell are you doing in my room?" Henry ask
"Your room? This is my room" ji sub say "your drunk again, can you stop drinking?" Henry ask
"Yeah yeah whatever, just pick up your damn phone already" ji sub say getting annoyed
"Hello" henry say in sleepy voice
"It's me, Minah" Minah say over the phone making henry jump up from his bed
"M-minah?!, I miss you so much" henry say
"Me too, I'm going back to Korea next week" Minah say
"Sweet" henry say
"You better pick me up" Minah say
"OK, I gotta go to work" henry say then end the phone
Ji sub still sleeping in Henry's bed
"Ya!" Henry yell
"What?" Ji sub ask
"I'm going to work now, if you hungry go and buy something" henry say while get dress
"I know just go already you're annoying" ji sub say
Henry went to work and leave ji sub sleeping at apartment alone.

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