The Calm before the Storm //Chapter 2//

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A/N (:

200+ READS!?!? WHATTTT!?!? Omg guys you have no idea how much it means to me x). Imaginator1d is such a great writer, and it makes me happy that you all enjoy my point of view as well so thanks again :)

BTW! Sorry I haven't updated for 12-14 dayss :( school is such a bitch!



I woke up to a sleeping body draped over me. Screw my iphone alarm that I realized, after a few hazy seconds, wouldn't go off for at least 25 minutes. The sleeping body mumbled something in his sleep, turned over, and that hair that I love so much tickled my chest, only concealed by a thin white tank top. I liked the serenity when Harry slept. We didn't fight, and beside, he was so cute when he slept. I ran my fingers through his wild locks attempting to tame it, but no avail.

"Harry?" I whispered quitely.

"Mmm..." he softly spoke

"I need to go to the bathroom" I said as I kissed his forehead

"So?" he said, as he cuddled closer towards me

"So get off of me!" I laughed quietly and tickeled his bare torso. His green eyes snapped opened immediately

"What the hell Tessa!?! What'd you do that for!!" He spat, annoyed.

"I said I needed to go to the bathroom!" I gave a small smile, and a chuckle.

"With that, I deserve to go into the bathroom with you." Harry grumbled, sitting up wiping his eyes with his hands.

"Nope, none of that today. It's too early and I just want to go to the bathroom." I stated. Sometimes, it's like a child/parent relationship.

"Not so fas-"

And with that, I managed to close the door, and lock it before Harry had a chance to say another word.

Harry's POV

"Not so fas-" I said as she closed the door in my face. I heard a lock.

"Damn it Tessa! Get out here!" I said through the door. I heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on. Then the sink turned off and there was no movement or sound.

"Tessa? Tessa, stop being childish." I head her giggle. She knew she was annoying me.

"Don't make me come in there! I swear... you know I will..."

"Ok, ok, calm down Harry. I'm coming out!" She unlocked the door and tried running past me, but of course, I caught her.

We came back in the bedroom and I went back to bed. I was still tired. I tried to sleep, but Tessa's iPhone alarm came on and The Fray started to play.

I concealed my head under a pillow. "Jesus Tessa. Why?"

"Well you're normally asleep right now, so my alarm is what I like." she said, sort of muffled.

I got up to change into my usual outfit, heading toqard the closet when a shorts-less Tessa presented herself to me.

"Harry, I'm changing!" she said, a blush creeping on her cheeks, as her hands gripped the hem of my t-shirt that she was currently wearing.

"After all the chasing you've made me do, I deserve to help! Or watch!" I said with a sly smirk.

"Aw poor baby." She leaned in closely and gave me a kiss, something I craved since she rudely woke me up.

"Finally." I stated, as I eased into the kiss. As I was making it more passionate, her lips left mine as I watched her head toward the closet.

"Let me help you" I said, as I started towards her.

"No Harry, I'm ok."

"C'mon Tessie!" I said as I wholeheartedly chuckled as I watched her cringe at her dad's nickname for her.

"Stoooppp!!" Tessa said as she hid her face in her sweater.


I can't believe he actually called me Tessie. I know him, and now, it's probably gonna be a regular thing. Great.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. He followed me almost like a dog to it's leader. Just as I got the spoon out, Harry took it from my hand and ate my cereal.

"Hey you ate my cereal!" I said, pouting, imitating his emotions from earlier.

"Aww, you're so cute when you pout." He said, smiling as he took another bite of cereal.

"How's this for cute!" I said, as I took the cereal box and threw some of the Cheerios at Harry.

I ran, laughing, into the living room, leaving an astonished looking Harry in the kitchen, but he was soon behind me.

We were on the couch, him on top, within a matter of minutes, him resuming the tickling.

"Stop- it!"

"Ok, ok. Fine, but only because I have to go get my car from the bar from last night." He muttered the last part, and I know that he was kind of ashamed. I held his cheeks in my fands and kissed him.

"It's ok don't worry. I'll come with you ok?" I said, trying to make him feel better. I do care about him, but in the back of my mind, Seattle was coming forward. We need to talk about this. We both know I can't live without him, and he can't live without me. I mean the past has proven that, but why is he being so stubborn? I will have to pressure him about this later. I mean he is in a good mood.

"Eh, you would've came anyway." He said as he smirked.

"Shut up, then maybe I won't." I said, as I tried to hold my ground to show him I wasn't playing, but I couldn't keep the straight face for long.

I laughed so weirdly at Harry's look. It was a mixture of "what the hell was that" and "damn". I laughed so hard I snorted, which caused Harry a weirder look, which caused me to laugh even harder.

"Shut up Tessa. Oh my god." Harry said, becoming aggravated. I walked toward the bus stop with him and he slipped his hand in mine. It still sends electric shocks through me.


WOW. SO MUCH DIALOGE :O I was up 'till 2 writing. So this chapter was a little boring but iin the next chapter, stuff will happen. Basically, I had a certain direction that I wanted this chapter to go/end in, but I felt like it was appropriate to end this here. OK SO GNITE/MORNING EVERYONEEEEE!!!

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