Rude Awakening

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Fred Pov

I sit on my bed confused, because ever since Dandre broke up with me I miss and truly care for him, but when we dated I just didn't really like him that much. I mean he was just a come up for me anyway so. I mean that boy is crazy like he really be looking for all the wrong things in a relationship. He really think that I should get a vasectomy so I wouldn't "Accidentally" go out and have kids.... Like I'm 17 what I look like getting one of them. Besides if he don't trust me to be faithful then why waste my time. I was only using him anyway, but he cut me off so I don't feel to bad about it.
I call Dandre everyday if he answers he must be really bored or just wanna have sex. So I called him and all he said was Cut his grass?😐😐 Like wth,
I guess he tired of me completely. This just makes me want him more likee damn being rejected is turning me on. I gotta get Dandre back. Then Again theres others.
My phone vibrates , its a text from my nigga Zay telling me theres a new student he tells me to get on Facebook. I pull it up and every post is talking about this new boy Rakim. I peep his pics and he is hella cute, then I check his description and it says he plays basketball and run track. It also says his sexual orientation is I like what I like.🤔 Likeee how is that even a possible choice for that. Hmm he likes what he likes huh...


I been thinking about Rakim none stop since I seen his Facebook page. All I wanna know is what he means by he likes what he likes my phone starts buzzing and playing "All the Way Up", thats my alarm for school, ughh todays the day I'm gonna meet this Rakim. I get up and go to my closet to find sonething to wear today, hmmmmmm, I'm thinking my black and white adidas shirt with my black and white adidas track pants and my black shell toe adidas. Not tryna impress no one but, oh well.😏 I hop in the shower , then get out do my other hygiene then get dressed. Luckily for me my mom bought me a Lexus so I can drive to school. Jus gotta go pick up Zay. I leave the house then head for my car. I look across the street to see someone was moving in. I see a lady struggling with a box , so I run over to help her. She thanks me and tells me that her son was at school so she was trying to finish moving in. She mentions that hes about my age. Then she says hes in the 11th grade.... All I could think was the only new 11th grader I know is Rakim... So I ask her whats her son's name... She says that his name is indeed Rakim. Whatever else she said idk because I couldn't stop thinking about Rakim he lives directly across the street from me like bruhh!! I mean Im not crushing or anything but this seems like a sign ya know. I leave and get in my car and drive to go pick up Zay.


I pick up Zay then we head to school. He starts talking about Rakim ,like thats the last thing I need to be doing.

Zay: So I know you seen Rakim FB

Me: Yeahh why

Zay: You like him don't you?!?

Me: Bruhh what you talking bout?!?

Zay: Bruh you over there daydreaming about somebody.

Me: Not him its just that he live across from me.

Zay: Nigga u fr??

Me: Yess bruh , I met his mom.

Zay: Already meeting yo new family I see

Me: Chill I was just helping her with a box.

Zay: Mhhmm

Me: Whatever get out my damn car now we at school.

Zay: Its like that bruh, not my fault u crushing 😂

Me: You better chill before you be on that damn bus after school 😭

Me and Zay continue talking trash while we walk into school. The first person I see... You guessed it ..... Dandre talking with Asia , who btw is hella fine. They act like they date thats why most people probably don't know Dandre like boys. But thats his bizz. I approach them wit Zay.

Dandre: U ready to cut my grass Fred?!

Asia: He cut yo grass?

Fred: Again neva gone happen unless you got grass in yo ass

Asia nd Zay burst out laughingg hard af.

Dandre: Ohh you got jokes huh , how about you stop ringing my line 24/7

Zay: You still talk to him?

Fred: Kinda

Dandre: Nah not kinda this nigga keep my line hot, can't call my ma for him calling.

Asia: Damn boy u must be obsessed.

Fred: Nahh I just be tryna get in yo draws nigga

After I said that I could tell that hurt Dandre so I just walked off nd Zay followed. I looked back to see Asia wiping tears away from Dandre's face. I just couldn't let him talk to me like that ... nahh.

The bell rings indicating 2 minutes left before first period starts. I dap Zay up and we head our separate ways.

I walk into class and take my seat on the third seat on the third row. Asia walks in giving me this look like she wanted to slap the hell out of me.😭 i already knew why. I chuckled to myself. People continue to enter the class. While I see Asia I still haven't seen Dandre come in yet, must be sobbing in the bathroom.

I finally see him come in a minute late not usual for him but then I notice someone walking with him... It's...... It's ................It's 


The boy I lowkey have a crush on walking with my ex to class. I felt some type of way. People around me can see my whole attitude change as Dandre walked in with Rakim. Why were they walking together in the first place I thought ... Could they already be dating... I just couldn't take it. I got up , but as I did Dandre introduced Rakim to the class and that he was just showing him around... I sat down relieved... People around me looking at me stranged. I could here voices around me saying "what was that all about" and "was he supposed to be his tour guide or something". I put my head down on my desk for the remainder of the class.

I thought to myself wow even though I dont even know Rakim it hurt to think he was dating Dandre. I know I hurt Dandre now even more recently is this what he felt when I talked and flirted with other people. I look up as the bell ranged, got up and left the class quickly. I met up with Zay , not even gonna mention what happened to him. I just tell him that Rakim is in my first class and he gives me this smirk.

As we walk I see Dandre but thats not all... I see Rakim. As I look I see Rakim give Dandre a piece of paper , then I see him mouth call me and does the little phone symbol with his hand. My mouth hung open...

Did that really just happen... I can't believe this .....

A tear rolled down my cheek
"Why not me?" Was all I could say

Soo how was Chapter 2 guys

Vote And Comment Please !!!

Do you think Fred got what he deserved for treating Dandre so badly??

Asia Pov next chapter.

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