Tama trouble.

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When Kyoko returned the next afternoon it was to fake apologies and sickening displays of forced affection. Honoka saved her by saying she still wasn't fully recovered and needed to rest, she even asked if they would mind switching the cameras off in Kyoko's room until she felt fully recovered. Makoto instantly agreed. It seemed they were a little worried about whether Kyoko was going to make a formal complaint about the incident, but Kyoko reassured her when Makoto came to check in on her a few hours later she knew it was an accident so there was no harm done.

Due to said incident the twins team won by forfeit meaning they would be going on the first group date with Kuon the very next day, while Kyoko and her group would be going the day after. Honoka spent the rest of the day in Kyoko's room chatting with all the girls and telling stories about each other's jobs and in Honoka's case, Kuon.

"Oh I remember the first time I worked with him. It was when he had first started out as Ren and we were going a catalogue shot together. Let's just say the clothes left little to the imagination and someone's little man got a little over excited." the girls were all laughing when a knock sounded at the door. Chiori who was sitting closest to the door jumped up and opened it. Kuon stood there in a simple white dress shirt and black slacks.

"Hey Chiori-chan, I came to see how Kyoko-chan is feeling?" Chiori smiled and backed away from the door allowing him in. Kuon smiled when he saw Kyoko laying in her bed. Honoka lay with her while Kanae and Hotaru sat on the bed next to them. Chiori skipped past him and sat on the bed next to Kyoko on the other side and patted the covers next to her.

"Well come sit down then." Kuon walked over and sat next to Chiori. It was Hotaru that started off first, it was only a small giggle but when Kyoko looked at her, it became a silent laugh as her body shook trying to contain the mirth. Kanae was trying not to look at her, but catching sight of her out of the corner of her eye she too started laughing. It was infectious, spreading rapidly until again, all the girls were almost crying with laughter and Kuon simply didn't know what to do. He just sat there smiling.

"OK, care to share the joke?" he asked finally when they all seemed to be getting control of themselves again. This time it was Honoka who burst out laughing at Kuon's words and again the women dissolved into laughter. Kyoko was trying really hard to control her laughter since the more she laughed the more her head hurt. As soon as Kuon saw Kyoko reach for her head he was up and next to the bed.

"Are you OK, Kyoko?" he asked voice full of concern and all the girls were instantly serious as Kyoko sat up a little in the bed and nodded.

"I'm fine. Just laughed a little too much and my headache's coming back." she admitted while Honoka checked her temperature. She felt a little warm, but that was more than likely because of the laughing.

"So why were you all so happy?" he asked and this time they all managed to control themselves for Kyoko's sake.

"Oh you know we were just having a girly chat. Men, shopping, the first time I worked with you." Kuon's face was a picture as Honoka let the last one slip in.

"Oh Honoka! You didn't" he half pleaded as he sat back down on the bed next to Chiori, his head in his hands, bright red with embarrassment. Kyoko instantly felt bad for laughing at Kuon's expense.

"Oh its not that bad Kuon, at least for your first job you didn't get deducted points when you had none to begin with, due to the fact that a man who hated your guts carried a suitcase." Kuon looked up at her, still red.

"Saying that though since that man was you, I suppose I can't complain. You really did hate me back then. I think you were trying every way possible to throw me back out of the LME doors again." Why did thinking of this suddenly make her depressed?

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