Music of the heart.

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Kuon looked down at Kyoko laying in his arms and smiled, seeing she was already sleeping, her breathing slow and rhythmic. He smiled and lifting her gently, he lay her beside him, covering her with the blanket as he snuggled down beside her fitting her into his arms as he let his own eyes drift closed thinking of his little girl.

Kyoko doubted she would ever get used to this. Again she had woken to an empty bed beside her which was something she was used to. She washed and dressed then going down stairs again there was Kuon in the kitchen with what she guessed was his attempt to cook again, with music blaring singing his heart out, Kyoko smiled and giggled. This grabbed Kuon's attention instantly as again he approached her still singing. Kyoko didn't know the song but the melody was catchy as Kuon sang along.

"We are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong.

Searchin' our hearts for so long, both of us knowing

Love Is A Battlefield."

Kyoko laughed as he spun her around like a dancer, laughing loud as Kuon started a simple foxtrot step with her, his smile filled her with warmth and she couldn't help but smile back as still singing and dancing they spun and stepped around the kitchen and dining area, never noticing the eyes of two people both smiling bemusedly at their friends.

"She looks happy." Kanae whispered to Yashiro, Yashiro who looked close to breaking down into tears nodded as Kanae smacked him hard on the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Yashiro asked rubbing his arm as Kanae just shook her head. Lory had insisted they spend time together to make their part in Kuon's memories more realistic, and Kanae hated to admit it, but she had kind of enjoyed Yashiro's company the last few days and been overly impressed by his helpfulness during her weekly battle with her family's washing where Yashiro grabbing the basket to be hung out to dry told her he was showing his long bachelorhood by showing he could do his own laundry as well as any woman. Kanae had smiled at him, and she had been impressed by his words and resourcefulness when her over large stupidly annoying family had decided to corner the man and insist on knowing the relationship between the two of them. Though she supposed she shouldn't have been surprised by Yashiro's glare and how he had earned their respect and full co-operation within a few minutes. He wasn't the manager of Japan's number one actor for nothing she supposed. Though when he had turned up on her family home's doorstep that morning after insisting she could not see him that day she had been ready to kill him.

"I'm glad she looks better than last time we saw her at least." Yashiro nodded slowly.

"Do you think?" he didn't have to go any further Kanae knew and she watched her best friend for a few moments before sighing.

"If she is, she is denying it with all her might." Yashiro nodded at these words. Suddenly they watched as if in slow motion as Kuon, trying to do a complicated manoeuvre tripped and fell landing squarely above Kyoko. The two silent watchers held their breath. Such a cliché moment Kanae could hardly hold back a laugh expecting their lips to go crashing into each other's any second in a passionate kiss as Yashiro grabbed Kanae's hand squeezing hard in his excitement as he watched intently. But it wasn't meant to be as Kuon, resting above Kyoko, looked down into her soft golden eyes with Kyoko staring back into his vivid blue ones. They both smiled then and within moments dissolved into joyous laughter as Kuon rolled off Kyoko, laying beside her flat on his back, red in the face at his own embarrassment of trying to impress her and failing miserably.

"Well this looks fun. May I join in?" Kanae asked, walking over and leaning down across the two laughing talents on the floor. At her words, Kuon grabbed Kanae's waist pulling her down between himself and Kyoko before tickling her soundly in her ribs. Kyoko, who was shocked by his display and by Kanae's screaming for him to release her at once. Why she tried not to laugh, trying to curl into the foetal position only made Kyoko laugh more as she too began tickling Kanae. It didn't last long. Only long enough for a very red, angry and out of breath Kanae to give them a smack each before the two very out of breath ticklers began giggling again infectiously when after a few moments Kanae began laughing again too. Yashiro decided to check that there wasn't a gas leak.

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