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Aphmau POV
"Wake Up! We have to leave for O'Khasis now!" Zane demanded. I looked miserable with some tears at the bottom of my dress. Zane opened the cell, handcuffed me to him, then walked out of the basement. It looked like we were in sime hut, but I didn't have much time to look around. There were a carriage and a horse outside waiting for us.
~Time skip to O'Khasis~
"Now, when we get to O'Khasis, act normal. If you don't, I'll have the guards keep you locked in a cell till the wedding." Zane demanded.
As the carriage arrived at the gates of O'Khasis, I noticed at how huge it was. It had a whole city! The guards opened up the gate and the carriage went around till we were at the castle. Zane hopped out and waited for me to come out. Halfway during the ride, he got rid of the handcuffs.
"What are you doing. Get out!" Zane whispered. I got out just hoping that I won't anger him. Everything that I do here effects whether or not Phoenix Drop will be attacked. Zane tried to hold my hand, but every time he tried, I pulled my hand away. The castle guards led me to my own room in the castle and locked the outside of the door to ensure I don't escape.
"I really miss Laurance, Garroth, and Aaron.." I said under my breath
Aaron POV
When I woke up, I found myself in a medic room.
"Ah, I see you have awoken. How do you feel?" The medic asked me
"I'm doing.. fine. How did I even get here?"
"Lady Aphmau and Emmlyn carried you here so I could treat you. Now rest. You need to recover from your wounds".
Garroth and Laurance came bursting through the door a few seconds later
"Wheres Aphmau?! She's gone missing! We can't find her any where!" Laurance said in a rush.
"She left late at night to go home.. Maybe something interfered her?" The medic said
"Thank you ma'am for the info!" Garroth said
Garroth POV
We looked around Aphmau's house and found some foot prints near the forest area. I checked to see and saw tears of her dress stuck on branches.
"Laurance! Over here!" I yelled as I motioned for him to come
"Who ever took her away really needed her for something"
"Well, we still need to bring our lord back. Follow me!" I said as I followed the trail of broken twigs and shreds of cloth. We reached the end of the forest and saw a hut ahead.
"She must be there!" Laurance yelled. We ran to the hut and bust open the door, staying alert for whatever could've been behind it. We checked all over and saw no signs of her. There was a basement with a jail cell.
"Laurance look." I pointed to the open cell "She must've been put in there but got transported elsewhere"
We checked outside and saw two lines and hoof prints. It was a carriage. We followed it and ended up at O'Khasis.
"Oh no.. Not here.. Why here?!"
"Garroth calm down! Why are you freaking out?!" Laurance yelled at me
"This.. This is where I was raised but I ran away from here and went to another village, which got attacked by O'Khasis a few years later.."
"I am so sorry for asking, Garroth. Anyway, let's go get Aphmau and return home."
We wandered around and checked everywhere. I over heard someone say "I can't believe that out next lord is suddenly getting married! I feel bad for his soon-to-be wife though. She was brought here all of a sudden and is forced to marry.."
This is bad. The lady must be Aphmau so I ran towards the castle and Laurance followed. There was a shed for armor and helmets so we both took a set and went into the castle.
"Laurance, try to blend in. We can't be spotted." I warned him. We walked around and normally asked where the new lord's wife is.
"She's on the highest level of the castle." One of the guards said. We went all the way to the top and saw 2 guards standing by the door
"Who are you?" One of them asked.
"Were here to take over the job. The lord wants you two to take a break" I said. Surprisingly, they bought it and left.
Laurance took the lead and opened the door. Aphmau was sitting on the bed crying.
"What do you want.." She said not looking up and still sobbing
"Aphmau.. It's me. Garroth. We came here to bring you back.."
"W-what? Garroth? Laurance? Why are you here.. You can't be here!" She said still crying
"But Aphmau! Were bringing you back to Phoenix Drop!" Laurance said taking a step closer.
"No.. If I decline the wedding or someone comes to save me, they will kill whoever they need to. I can't let that happen.."
Laurance and I were left speechless. We never expected that to happen
"We don't care. We can both protect ourself and you. That's why were your guards" I said as we group hugged.
"Okay.. I trust my loyal guards. Help me escape from here and go back home."
I set down a map of the castle and showed the escape route. We will have to go down to the lowest part. There is a hidden passage way that not even the lords or guards know about. Time to get Aphmau's freedom back.

I wrote so much for this! This is the most amount of words I put in a fanfic! 947 words!

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