❤ Chapter 3: "Say my first name."

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(This one is pretty long but I had to get that smut/lemon in this chapter at least ;) Hope you enjoy! )


"Hey, Dazai, do you know where this place is?" The two detectives finally calmed down from their fight to actually do some work. You sighed with relief but as you were about to leave the room, you heard something quite familiar.

"Ryo-Rin? Is that a new place here?" Dazai questioned him with his eyebrows arched. You turned around and chimed in, "Actually, I think that's a building near my condominium." Both of the detectives looked at you, expecting a more in depth explanation.

"U-um..." You suddenly felt extremely pressured. Your forehead started to glisten with your sweat but nevertheless you proceeded with what you were saying, "The condo I'm residing in right now has other buildings. Their names start with the word Ryo. F-for example my building is named Ryo-Emi, and the other one next to it is Ryo-Yuki..."

Dazai was deep in thought, until he made a face that basically said, "Idea!" He started walking over to you, his tan trench coat flowing behind him. He placed his hands on your shoulders and grinned, "How about you help us with this investigation!" His dark brown eyes lit up with excitement. 

"But...why? I would only be a burden to both of you Dazai-san." You gave him a confused look.

"Well, you already know most of the layout right? And of course a lovely lady like yourself would make great company at night time...Imagine as we're finally wrapping up, we step into your apartment..." Dazai gave a wholehearted speech about you two could complete a lovers suicide in your room or the roof. Honestly, you stopped listening as soon as he mentioned going into your apartment. You were very much uncomfortable with the fact that two grown men would be in your cramped 1 bedroom living space.

"Alright, well, I guess you'll accompany us with this investigation later this week. Please meet Dazai and I in the entrance of the Ryo building on Saturday, 11 PM sharp." Kunikida wrote vigorously in his notebook, his glasses emitting a small spark," Do not be late!" He raised his hand to point right at your face.


You sat at your desk later that day pondering the last few hours. "Saturday..." You thought. In less than a week you would be dragged into a late night investigation with two of the agencies top detectives. "Maybe I'll be able to get some extra pay for it?" You tried to make yourself feel better about the whole case, but your anxiety was getting the better of you. You started to doze off about everything bad that could happen that night. You could potentially find dead bodies or get caught by the mafia; the whole condominium could explode for all you know.

You started getting fidgety and thought it would be best to just take a quick walk to clear your head.


"What drink would you like today ma'am?" You didn't know how it happened, but the suicidal detective had successfully gotten you to go into a café with him.

"I'll have some green tea thank you." You smiled at the cute waitress.

"Just put it on my tab." Dazai chimed in. The waitress gave him a glare but you see that he didn't realize it because he was staring at you.

"Now, what was it that was on your mind [Y/N]-chan?" His brown eyes were filled with concern.

"Dazai-san..." you started, his full attention was on you and only you, "...about the investigation later this week." Just then, you were overwhelmed with the feeling of restlessness, "What'll happen if the mafia shows up? Will they just start shooting all out? What about the people in the building? We have to protect them! Oh no, but what if they planted bombs!? How will we be able to get all of the people out safe!? We can't just abandon them we need to save them!" You rambled on your anxieties.

Yandere! Dazai Osamu x Reader (Series)(Smut/Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now