Chapter 4 Slendy's Mansion

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I was still in maskys room laying down thinking about my old home and how shity it was I let out a sigh as I kinda missed seeing the looks on my parents faces when I fought back. They had the surprised but scared look. I makes me giggle trying to think of what there thinking right now. Me not home they probably don't even care. The person I really care about is Melody...oh poor melody I wish I could have helped her with Jason. But NO masky had to kidnap my at the wrong time...He has such good timing I guess (LOLZ sorry I had to put this in here...I hope you guys don't mind ;-;.) I got up and got on maskys computer again playing a game called prop hunt. I let out a sigh when one of the seekers found me. I have a empty feeling inside me....I don't know what it was but I was missing something. Was it love,or was it my family and friends. I could actually care more about the life I had when I was with my parents at least they gave me food and a roof over my head that is all I needed I got my caring from Melody. If I had better wording for how I feel then I would say it but I don't. And my parents did once care for me maybe they thought I need more beating than spoiling me (SORRY if you don't get what I'm saying but I'm really tired).

I got out of the chair and I walked down stairs were masky and Smile were." I want to go home" I said with a straight face. Masky looked shocked "baby, you can't go back YOUR own parents abused YOU, there is no way I'm letting you go back" he growled "fine I will go myself" with that I bolted into to woods running into bushes and twigs...I really didn't care at this point I just wanted to go home. I could hear the loud foot steps behind me it sounded like Smile and masky were chasing me... I couldn't stop no matter how tired my legs were I just wanted to be with my parents and Melody. As I got to the end of the woods Smile was right behind me and he trickled me. I scraped my knee on the rocks I fell on and I was screaming in pain. Masky came up behind him with a pissed off expression...I couldn't bare to look at him. "Masky please let me go home" I was almost crying " SHUT UP YOU BITCH" he growled...I guess he was really pissed "I can't believe you ran from me.. What the hell did I ever do to you" he added. At this point tears were running down my cheeks from sadness,shame, and pain. I couldn't speak I would sound like I was helpless with the tears would make my voice shaky and just don't want that.

I than blacked out. Next thing I know I wake up in a dim lit room it looked like a dungeon or something like that..all I know was I was in chains and I wouldn't move I was in pain to much of it. I almost screamed but I kept it in I didn't know what was in here with me. I let out a sigh and I looked down as my stomach was growling. "I'm so hungry" I thought to myself "why did I ever run from Masky...I can't believe I'm saying this but I love him for God sack" I added and I almost cried. Then I heard a door open and close...I quietly looked up "what the hell?" I thought to myself. Than a shadow of what looked like a tall man I could see at the top of the staircase. He than started to walk down the stairs and I could see he had no face it was just white, he also was in a really fancy suite. My eyes widen than I looked away from him. He was slenderman.... just couldn't believe what I saw. "Hello child" he said with a deep video and demonic "you can look at me I won't hurt you child" he added than I looked at him "y-you.....won't hurt me?" I whimpered "or course child and welcome to slender mansion" he ended his sentence with a deep chuckle. "Oh" I said as my voice cracked.

AN: why do you guys never leave comments? makes me feel like you don't like I'm probably right but please leave comments I was love to read all of them. just don't put hate in it that would make me feel sad ;-; . Anyway I hope you enjoy the fourth chapter I have wrote today...
YAY :3
Sincerely: Lily Maxwell

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