Nath: what are we gonna do
Cla: I don't know
Oph: we can tell him the story about vampires that dad told us about.
Cla: oh yeah great idea
Nath: I'm listening
Ophé: Once upon a time not long ago there was a girl in a festival
Cla: but not any girl
Ophé: no she was a vampire
Cla: she was haunting the people who were in their tent looking for fresh blood
Nath: Houlaaa
Ophé: Pssst
Cla: I was saying she was looking for fresh blood
Ophé: she caught her victims with her hypnotising look
Cla: once she caught then she bited them with her sharpened fangs
Nath: it's really scary
Cla: Why do you keep interrupt me each time I speak
Nath: because your story us really not captivating
Ophé: ok so tell your story if she's better
Nath: this is the story of Ed, gingOphe: is there any vampire in your story
Nath: no so this is the story of Ed ginger and will
Ophé: are there any zombie then?
Nath: no they were walking in the mountain and
Ophé: is there anything scary in your story?
Nath: No and shut up please. They were walking in the mountain and they were also singing
Ophé: Like me
Cla: And me
Nath"Enerve": do you want to listen to The story or not?
Cla: not really
Nath: but you ask me to explain a better story
Cla: a scary story
Oph: there isn't even a vampire in your story
Nath : because it's a realistic story
Clara: oh we're listening
Nath: no! You shut up and go to sleep right now
Cla: I'm not tired
Nath: Oh my god
Ophé: what were they doing in the mountain?
Nath: it's too late now! I'm going to sleep. Do whatever you want
*Fais semblant de dormir sur la table*
Ophe: do your know any other story about vampire?
Cla : yes, have you ever seen twilight?
Oph: no, i have never
Cla: shame on you! I'm going to tell a summary. And you'll watch it as son as we Come back home.
Oph: ok boss
Clara: it's the adaptation of the book by Stéphanie Meyer. It's the story of Bella, a human teens, who falls in love with Edward, a vegetarian vampire. And for the whole movie you follow their love story and it's really captivating!
Ophe: what's a vegetarian vampire?
Cla: it's a vampire who does not drink human blood, it only drinks the one from animal. And all his family is like that too.
Ophe: have they any super power.
Cla: yes, they have. Edward can read peoples's mind exept for bella's and his Sister, Alice, can see the futur.
Oph: i've always wanted to have super powers.
Cla: yes me too that could be amazing to be able to teleport anywhere in the world.
Ophe: Oh me i always wanted to read in mind just like Edward.
Cla: Yes, that could be fun.
Oph: Claraaa?
Cla: Yes?
Oph : do you think Nathan is mad at us?
Cla: i don't know you should ask him
Oph: Nathan? Are you mad?
*Nathan dort toujours*
Clara: i think he is already sleep
*Sur Nathan*
Clara et Ophelie : Are you sleeping? (4x)
Nathan: *en râlant* Yeeees! Leave me alone!
Cla: Ok we're going tout watch the sunrise without you!
Nath: get out off the tent
Oph: no need to be rude. It's our tent too.