When you get jealous: Sebastian

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You were doing your job taking care of your master, Sir Alvin Johnson . He was a little brat and a perv, you sure were happy you would be taking his soul soon, yes you were a demon just like Sebastian That's why you both got along. You were a cat demon and he LOVED it. But back to your master he let you pick your own maid dress and get it made you wore a all black maid dress above the knee and some stockings (that he made you put on).

"Y/n I want to go to town today now" said Alvin
"Yes master I'll get the carriage ready" you said rolling your eyes leaving out of the study.
Time skip brought to you by Ciels dancing

You were walking in town with your master when you seen a very familiar black haired demon with a red hair guy that was dressed like a girl you seen the person holding Sebastian's arm walking you couldn't see his facial expression because he was turned the other way. You were pissed really pissed that he was cheating on you. You and your master had left to go back to the manor it was tea time and time to give him his letters he had gotten a invite to got to the phantomhive manor for a ball.
"Just great" you thought just when you wanted to be away for that damned demon
Time skip to the manor
You have arrived at the manor you were getting out and helping your master out when you were walking to the door and Sebastian was greeting people he looked at you and have you a closed eye smile you just looked away from him
"Well hello Sir Johnson please have a great time at the ball" Sebastian said and my master walked in before me
"And hello to a beautiful mistress" he said trying to take my hand a kiss it. I took my hand from him and just walked into the manor. He was taken aback from what I just did.
When he was done he went looking for me I was standing by a wall. He took my arm and took me into his room.
"What's wrong Y/n?" Sebastian asked looking at you
"Let go of me, I seen you today with that guy all up on you, you didn't even try to get him off of you" you said looking at him
He sat her for a moment thinking
" Oh darling do you mean Grell he does that all the time I don't like him actually I despise him you don't have to worry my little kitten I will always love you and you only, I'll even you you by marking you" with that he pinned you down and his eyes glowed you were about to have the time of your life with the man you loved.
I guess you already know what was about to happen😏so I'm going end it there I know I'm mean XD but I hoped you enjoyed it
~ I love you my little Dino Nekos ❤️

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