Chapter 1: The Aria Show

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The story is about all the characters of PLL basically but it revolves a lot around Spoby. Basically, Spencer is abducted by -A (Chapter 2 coming soon) and the girls have to win a game to save her. The story has a few swear words but no Fifty shades of Gray kind of scenes (sorry if that's what you were looking for.) -A came at the girls very strng and this time she's freakier than ever!

The story has 56 chapters, if you want more just tell me I'll post the rest ASAP. Have a good read.


CHAPTER 1: The Aria Show

Aria was looking for Spencer's car in the middle of the street. It was 2 am and she just got out 

of Ezra's place. She left him sleeping, they spent their evening watching old movies "it better 

be important" she thought to herself. It was the first time in like forever since she could spend 

the night there, it sounded important on the phone. So important that it couldn't have waited 

until morning. Aria was in her red pyjamas and was in such a rush when she got out of the 

apartment that she didn't care about the way she looked.

The street was scary at night; there was nobody there, just empty cars and a cat. It was cold, 

and even though Aria knew nobody was there, walking down the street alone gave her the 

shivers. She was uncomfortale. She reached Spencer's car, finally, and was surprised to see all 

the girls, Hanna and Emily were in the backseat.

"Nice sleepers honey!" Teased Hanna, "Teddy bears right? Sexy!" she continued, still 

mocking her friend. Aria laughed, Hanna was right, those sleepers were so lame, why did she 

wore them?

"Those are Ezra's, I must have confused them with mine you know, since I was in a hurry!" 

she complained

She opened the car and sat on the front seat, next to Spencer.

"Thank's for letting me the front seat girls" She said with a smile

"Oh, trust me that's not that good of a thing" Answered Hanna

"Take this" Spencer said handing her a CD with her name was written in capital letters.

Aria took the CD not really knowing what was on it.

"Since I highly doubt it's a Fall Out Boy Album, I have to say, I'm a little concerned, but 

please tell me it's a Fall Out Boy Album" Aria said almost begging.

"You got that right Aria" Said Hanna

Aria's face lightened but wait a minute, Spencer would never gather her friends in the middle 

of the night just to give them Albums, that just didn't seem like her.

"It's not an Album, it's actually from -A" continued Hanna, seriously worried.

Aria looked closely and there was an "A" written in the back of the package.

Aria wondered what it could be, was it another footage from the night Ali' died? But if it was, 

why was there Her name on it? Why not all of them why just Aria?

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