Disagreements, Cryptic Warnings and Fangirls

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"I will."
"No, you won't."
"Yes, I will."
"I'm sure."
"I mean it."
"Shut up, would you?" Takeru yelled. "You've been at this for over an hour now. Saying the exact same things OVER and OVER again!"
"We'll he doesn't believe me," Zillion complained. "He can even ask Yuji, he was a victim of it too!"
"She's right! She will! And I love how you call me a victim, you got me bedridden for a week!" Yuji yelled from the other room where he'd hidden half an hour ago, directing the last part of his agreement to Zillion.
"Should've listened to me then!" She replied.
"No one asked your opinion, Yuji," Masato shouted back.
"I did, indirectly but I still did it. But enough of that. PLEEEEASE~!!!!???"
"Noooo~ Sorry Zilly, but I don't think so. I saw what you did to Takeru and I don't want that." He said in return, walking out the room.
"HEY!!" The recipient of the statement and the one mentioned yelled, but he was already gone.
A dark grin suddenly crossed Zillion's face and she spun around to address the remaining 5 boys (A/N because in my world Mitsuru still hangs around with the rest of SuG).
"It seems we have work to do boys."


Masato was strolling around Tokyo with his hood up and his darkest sunglasses on. He was conversing with himself out loud.
"She wouldn't do it. She wouldn't dare. But then again... No! Zillion is just too sweet for that, Yuji was just teasing me. However, she is Maxzillion Shiroyama. And everyone knows how many trouble makers she has been raised around. No! NO, NO, NO! She wouldn't dare and that's that."
A hand clamped down on either shoulder. He jumped. He slowly turned his head to his right and saw Shinpei, he then turned to the left and saw Takeru. He turned his head back to the front and dropped it so his chin touched his chest. Masato then spun 180° and raised his head, just to jump up and back 3 feet as Yuji's creepily, smiling face had been less than 10 cm away from his own.
"You do know she's Maxzillion Shiroyama, don't you?" Takeru asked repeating what Masato had just told himself.
"And she never once has made an empty threat," Yuji added.
"We only have one piece of advice for you," Shinpei said.
"RUN!" They finished in unison and took off the way Masato was originally heading.
Masato, on the other hand, stayed stood where he was, confused.
"Idiots," Masato muttered to himself and set off on his stroll again.
Once again, a hand clamped on each shoulder, and once again he jumped. He spun around and faced the culprits of his sudden scare and saw Chiyu and Mitsuru.
"Don't tell me you're going to give stupid cryptic warnings and state the obvious as well," Masato complained, sighing in annoyance.
"No, you were warned," Mitsuru said mysteriously.
"But you didn't listen and that's your own fault," Chiyu grinned.
"BYE!" They both yelled and took off in the same direction as the other three.
"What is with everyone today?" Masato asked himself, turning to set off once again.
Just then, screams were heard coming from behind him.
He froze. He turned, slowly.
"...Ah..." He sighed in realisation.
He was the one who took off now.
The reason?
The hordes of fans running straights towards him, screaming his name and begging him to notice them. There was even the odd shout of "Marry me!" from both genders.
The crowd seemed to be growing larger by the second, so he did the only thing he could do... He ran faster.


Four hours later, he had finally lost them. Not wanting to take any chances he returned back to the studio to see if the guys were there.
When he walked in, the guys and Zillion were sat around the TV, where Mario Cart was being played. Takeru and Chiyu were slouched on the couch with Zillion's head on Chiyu's lap and her feet on Takeru's. All three of them had controllers. Mitsuru was sat on the floor so his head was lying on Zillion's hip. He also had a controller. Yuji and Shinpei were sitting on either side of the room in fluffy chairs cheering the others on.
"I would have appreciated it more if the warnings weren't so cryptic," Masato said, sitting on the arm of the settee, next to Chiyu.
"We were as obvious as possible with out being too obvious," Takeru grinned.
"It's not OUR fault you were slow on the uptake of it," Chiyu laughed.
"You expected ME to understand messages that didn't make sense. Whatever. Zillion, you win. But did you have to take things so far?" Masato questioned after giving in.
"I warned you she doesn't make empty threats and who doesn't understand "RUN"," Yuji pointed out.
"Yeah, Masato~ I told you I'd send your fangirls after you if you didn't let me dye your hair," teased Zillion.
"Yeah, yeah. Just not pink, green or orange," Masato said getting comfy. "I'll play the winner."

A/N I know it was crap, but I told you they weren't that good.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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