"Oh No!" Ash yelled. "What do we do?" Steve ask. "Save him!" "Well that's an idea or we can just run." "Steve!" "Okay I might have an idea do you still have the meat?" "No you ate it all! Steve Think!" "Do we have any weapons?" "We're not going to kill the jaguar it's a living creature, I do however have smoke bombs." Ash hands Steve a smoke bomb and he threw it over where Clanton and the jaguar is. " I CAN'T SEE!WHERE AM I?!" Clanton yelled. Then Steve grabs him to the side and leaves the jaguar confused. Steve gave Clanton a giant hug and Clanton couldn't breathe. "Don't ever go running away like that again!" Steve said sternly. "but bu-" "No excuses!" "You need to list-" " Lets head back to the boat and think of everything we did wrong!"Steve interrupts him again. "LISTEN TO ME STEVE!" Clanton screamed. "I did something right, I found it I really found-" "What your manliness, I told you you would find it sooner or later."
"No not that! I found what we have been looking for. I finally found it." "What the Neet Buzzer, it's just a myth, It's not real!"
"I think it's real and I want Clanton to show me I believed that you believe in it,but that's a mistake!" said Ash. "Ash baby, come on I saved you." Steve said sadly. "I wished you didn't!!"Ash yelled while following Clanton back to the fossil."How far is it?" Ash asked. "Not very far it was right next to where I was being chased." Clanton responded.
"You mean next to the jaguar?" "Don't worry baby, everything is going to be fine, the smoke bomb scared him at least a mile away." "Okay first of all don't call me baby, second we aren't sure." "Here we are and look no jaguars." Ash looked amazed at the giant fossil in front of her and forgot about the past conversation. "Do you like it?" Clanton asked. "It's all ours." Ash just sat there speechless at the amazing fossil. "Hey Ash!" Clanton yelled to get her out of her stares. "Yeah! What do you want?" Ash ask as if she was just woken up. "Are you going to help me carry this back to the boat?" "Yeah sorry!"
Ash and Clanton carried the fossil back to the boat, where Steve was sitting quietly."Hey Steve! Look at what we got!" Ash said loudly. Clanton put the fossil in the boat and went to talk to Steve. Clanton knew what Steve was doing, Steve was thinking of the past. "Hey! Steve!" Clanton yelled. Steve was staring in the water. "What's wrong with him." Ash ask. "He's thinking about the past." Clanton said quietly. Clanton was reminded about the past as well but not in deep thought like Steve was. Clanton pinched Steve out of it. "What!" Steve yelled at Clanton. "What do you want!"
The neet buzzer
AdventureIt's about finding the NeEt BuzZeR?! Read find out! Not finished! *READ*LOVE*SAVE*