13 questions tag

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I was tagged by GalaxyOfMemories


You have to repost all the rules

You have to answer 13 questions and write 13 questions for the 13 people you have to tag

You can retag people

You have 7 days to complete this

You have to say who tagged you


1. Favorite song?
7 minutes in heaven (Atavan Halen)-Fall Out Boy

2. Have you ever pretended to hate someone or something that every one else hated? Who/what?

3. Last movie you watched?
Monsters Inc ngl

4. Who do you look up to?
Gerard Way and Stephen King

5. Why do you look up to them?
I look up to Gee, because he hit a total rock bottom but managed to pull himself out of it and get better and create beautiful art which is what I asipire to do in art school next year.
I look up to Stephen King, because his writing is so eloquent and beautiful and I want to be that talented one day

6. Favorite quote
Not sure I have a few

7. Favorite musical instrument?
Pfffbbsjakk idk bass saxophone how bout that?

8. Last book you read?
Reality Boy by A. S. King

9. Last song you listened to?
Fat and Alone-Pencey Prep

10. Name one thing you couldn't live without?
My best friend Nick

11. Favorite ice cream flavor?
I don't like ice cream all that much

12. Hoe many hours of sleep did you get last night?

13. Do you usually speak your mind?

1. Best memory?
2. Favorite poet?
3. Ever left your home country?
4. Political stance?
5. Favorite art piece?
6. Ever been to a museum? If so what kind?
7. Is your room messy or organized?
8. Biggest achievment?
9. Ever gotten black out drunk?
10. Ever been in a play?
11. Favorite thing about yourself?
12. Do you keep a diary?
13. Tumblr, instagram or twitter?

I tag
Idk anyone who wants to do it I don't wanna make anyone feel obligated to answer these or anything so ya know

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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