chapter 3

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Zack thought what if he just didn't use the box like go to the libary and read our just leave it at this state and go to another state. When he was a bout to go to the libary the box flew up and pulled zack back to the box and the box just stayed on his lap. Zack tthought he can't leave the box it will follow me anywhere i go our if i plan on leaving this it will push me back. When zack was gonna leave for work the box wouldn't let him he had to be late and his life was terrible because of that stupid box when zack finally died. A person took the box and the person gave the box to other people and the cycle repeated over and over and over untill the person who gave the box to people died someone else started giving the box to other people the last person who ever had the box was matt yeager he was twenty five years old. And his life was the hardest his wife and all his friends left him and nobody came for his funeral.

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