Chapter 1

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Yousit at home in your bed. In your hands is a little white letter.Again. You read it over and over again. The same few words everytime.

"HeYtHeRe My WiCkEt sIsTeR. yOu'Re SiGn AlWaYs MaKeS mY DaY. HoPe I cAnSeE yOu AgAiN tOmOrRoW~ HoNk HoNk"

Asmall smile creeps it's way on your face. Now it's the third week youget lil notes like this. Sometimes just some cute emoticons, nicewords to encourage you or perhaps notes to remind you of homework ormeetings. You even found single flowers in your looker lastweek.

It'stwo months since you changed to this school and you already got asecret admire as it seems. Sadly you have no clue who it could be...but based on the informations he or she has about you it seems likeit's one of your classmates. You even asked your friends to look outtoo... but no luck so far.
Vriska,the troll girl you sit next to in nearly every class, always says itwould be Dave. You always Hang out together.... but it can't be... hewould never.... he wouldn't... right?

Tobe honest, yeah.... yeah you have a freaking girly crush on Mr coolguy.
Youfall back on your bed. Having an emotional break down thing... Let'sbe real: neither does Dave talk like that nor would he EVER Writethat stuff... even if ya wished so...
Soyou spend several minutes debating with reality about your stupidcrush only to be Bitch slaped with stone hart rock-facts in order toget out into a less dream-clouded world... aren't feelingsgreat? Especially combined with puberty (aka The Spawn of Satan).
Buthey, it gets even better. It's just morning... so surprise! School'sstill waiting for you.
Groaningyou step out of your bed, head first into your daily Routine.

Afteran hour you already sit between Terezi and Vriska, talking about 100%random shit. One by one the other students enter the room. FinallyJohn and Dave join too. You wave them a hi and admire your crush. Ohhow you wish he would write these notes... he would think of youevery day. And then, finally he would tell you about his feelings,you would marry and have a bunch of beautiful hyper ironckids-
...thankfullyyou don't have more time to fantasies about your ideal but totallyembrasing future plans with "the Dave" cause -oh cruellife- your teacher joins your class and starts with the lesson...

Sothat's how your day starts. More like most days in the last month Buthey how are you to complain. After the first lessons your group makesit's way to the cafeteria. One good thing in haveing such a smallclass is that you all fit on one table. As the last person in the rowyou automaticly are the last person arriving at the table, leavingyou with the seat at the far side next to lil Harley. Gosh how cuteshe is! Unbelievable... but anyway. While eating your gaze sometimesturns to the boy of your dreams. Like always he sits with Egbert. Ohthat lucky bastard. Sure hes one of your closed friends but damn...what would you give to trade place with him... hmmm... seems like youcrush-like things turns into something.... obsessive? Well time tostep back a bit! ... godwho are you kidding... when will you stop fangirling about someone soprecious...

Duringyour internal monologe about your be or not to be crush thing youdidn't even notice that Dave and John left the group. Going god knowswhere. Funny how much someone can ignore the world while thinkingabout their own shit... you also don't notice your classmatesstarring at you till Harley decides to bumb your shoulder. Seems likestarring on one point for several minutes creeps other peopleout..?
Alsoyou don't notice how Karkat doesn't bother being not involved in thisdiscussion. Much like yours his gaze is fixated at some point in thefar end of the room but your friends are to occupied with your creepybehaviour to notice Karkats.... if they had notice perhaps the hadseen the shadow lingering in the vant just some meters away in thebottom of the wall. It doesn't move till the bell rangs and youdecide to go back to your class to "educate"yourself.

Duringthe class its time for a lil groupproject. John, Dave and you gettogether to master the shit out of this task. Time to let the a'srain down. Passing this year won't be a big deal thanks to yourperfect teamwork. But for real: this three people constalation ispretty close. Sure not as close as you wish for in some parts butdiffenetly much closer than you had thought of in others. (Wonk) buthey that's something you will learn about later... ()
Anyway.You three sit together working on a pretty presentation to blow theminds of your classmates as the bell rangs and you pack your stufftogether. "Hey guys, how about we finish this task at my placelater?" You ask your friends. John smiles at you. "Surethat would be awesome (y/n)!" Together you slowly enter thehallway. "Sooo do you wanna come with me after school or..?"Befor John could agree Dave joins in the conversation: "na sry(Nickname) we have some other stuff to deal with here befor. Prettyimportant. Not like a main quest important ... more like a timebasedsidequest. And we're here like maaaan that sidequest is freakingimportant. Let's Pause the main Story for a couple hours..." youlook at him. He looks at you (perhaps... who knows where he actualylooks at with those glasses on?) "We'll just join you later.""Yeah see you later (y/n)" John waves befor he and Daveleave in a different direction. Hmmm... they didn't even tell youwhat they'll do. Happends pretty often recently... whatever. Not likeyou can judge this anyway if you're in this school for just 2months.
Soyou make your way to your locker. Right after opening a new smallnote falls out. A smiles creeps it's way on your face. At least oneperson always has time for you~ after getting the stuff you need youclose the door, ready to read the message as "so what did hewrite you this time?" In surprise you turn around to find Jadenext to you. "Hihi did I scare you?" You smile"hahano. never. How do you get this idea? No one would ever be scared byyour ability of just randomly appearing somewhere without anywarnings or so. Where do you get that silly idea lil Miss ninja!?!"She just laughts. "Im sorry. Next time I warn you befor i speakto you hihi." "Hey i thought sarcasm was my thing? Hahawhat ever"
Youstart talking about random stuff while you try to hide the letter inyour back. Thankfully she doesn't seem to notice it... "sowhat's in the letter anyway?" Nethermind... "uuuuhm well Ididn't read it je-" "the open it! Oh boy im so excited!"She leans over to see the letter better.
"...okay?"Slowly you open the paper. Very slowly (just to annoy her of cause).She on the other hand moves behind you to read the message too.

-HeYmY lItTeL mIrAcLe
ItSsO nIcE tO sEe YoU aGaIn. I hAvE a LiTtLe PrEsEnT fOr YoU~
JuStCoMe To RoOm 420. YoU wIlL mOtHeRfUcKiNg LoVe It!

Themessage makes you smile again. Even if the content is kinda...suspicious? Turning to Harley you see her grin from ear to ear.
"OMG(y/n) you have to go to the room! Right. Now." She shoves you inthe direction of the next stairway to the forth floor. As you climbthe stairs she stays at the bottom. "D-dont you wanna join me?The message sounded kinda suspicious..." "Oh don't poopyour pants (Nickname)! He won't kidnap you or something like that!But what if he reveals himself?! I don't want to stay around if thathappends!" Giggle. You just groan and facepalm in mind whilewalking up the stairs.

Soonafter you arrived at the room. Not sure what to do you knock at thedoor... what is kinda silly cause most classes are over by now. Alsothe forth floor isn't used by anyone... do to the lack of studentsyou think. You probably should ask your friends about it one day...but back to the present. You slowly open the door and peak in.... tofind nobody. What a surprise. You enter anyway and look around.Perhaps you find something inter- Bingo! On the teachers table youfind a letter again.

I'mSo HaPpY yOu ReAlLy ShOwEd Up (y/n). MaN iTs nOt CoOl To AlWaYs BeThe OnLy OnE tO WrItE. So I aSkEd ThE gReAt MeSiAsE fOr hElP! AnDhErE wE aRe NoW. In ThE tEaChErS dEsK iS a MoThErFuCkInG DrAwEr. If yA wAnNa WrItE mE jUst LeAvE tHe NoTe HeRe.

IcAnT WaIt FoR yOuR mIrIcOuLoUs AnSwErS -

Filledwith relieved that you won't be kidnaped you walk around the desk tofind the drawer. Sitting down on the table you get something to writeout of your backpack and start writing your first answer. Its mostlya thank you letter about his nice messages. What else should you say?It's not like you know anything about this guy.

Afterleaving your letter in the said place you walk back to your locker tosee Harley waiting for you. Together you leave the building whiletelling her all about the happening in the room.

Agood half an hour after you left school someone walks into the room420 and graps the note. Making his normal grumpy face he leavesshortly after, muttering some swears while closing the door behindhim. Going down to the ground level terezi waits for him. "K4RK4T,WH3R3 W3R3 YOU?! 1 THOUGHT 1'M TH3 BL1N3D ON3. WHY DO YOU T4K3SO LONG TO F1ND TH3 W4Y?" "SHUT THE FUCK UP TEREZI! LET'SJUST LEAVE ALREADY!" Slipping the letter in his backpack heleaves the building with her.

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