Naomi has no time

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Julie: WHEE!!! *spins in the computer chair*

Donnie: Careful. You might fall. *laughs*

Naomi: *gets up off the sofa and pushes Julie, still in the chair, across the room* My computer!


Donnie: *gets up and runs to Julie* Are you okay?!

Julie: NAOMI!

Naomi: *looks innocent* Yes?

Julie: Uncool man, uncool.

Naomi: It was my turn to get on the computer! *sticks out her tongue*

Julie: *pouts* Are you still  RPing with me?

Naomi: Hang on, let me check my in-box.

Mikey: *walks into the room, skulking* 

Julie: Hey, what's wrong?

Mikey: I can't go see John McCreeper. I want the candy!

Mikito: *following Mikey around* You know what Master Splinter said, Mikey-chan.

Mikey: *hugs Mikito tightly* I know. But I want candy so I can share it with you!

Mikito: Awwhhh! You are the best boyfriend ever!

Julie: *makes a face* And suddenly, I feel like I'm going to lose my lunch.

Naomi: And the reason why?

Julie: *yelling*  Gee, I really wonder!

Naomi: Eheh, couldn't be because of me!

Leo: *coming from the kitchen* Pipe down guys! 

Donnie: *snorts* It's not like you're going to down anything important...

Leo: Oh yes I am!

Julie: What, making out with Sophia?







Julie: *turns to Naomi* Please tell me they aren't.

Naomi: *struggles not to laugh*

Mikito: Ew!


Donnie: They have a room. The kitchen.

Mikey: Dude. Dude. Don't be sticking your tongue in places it shouldn't be, especially around the pizza!

Julie: My thoughts exactly.

Leo: *comes out of the kitchen, with Sophia by his side* We weren't kissing! We were actually making dinner.

Julie: Making dinner.

Donnie: In the kitchen. By yourself.

Everyone but Leo and Sophia: *gives Leo and Sophia the look*

Sophia: We're having homemade pizza!

Mikito: Yummy! What kind?

Sophia: Extra cheese!

Julie: Oh yes! You are so forgiven for making out in the kitchen!

Donnie: *puts his hands over his eyes*

Master Splinter: *walking out of his dojo* What is the commotion out here?

Everyone: Sorry, Sensei!

Master Splinter: You should not be wasting your time on playing on the computer and crashing into stone walls. Everyone, report to the dojo!

Sophia: But the pizza's in the oven!

Master Splinter: Then you may stay here and watch the pizza, but everyone else, report to the dojo!

Naomi: But I'm not finished with my inboxes! I haven't answered Julie's RP!

Julie: Master Splinter! You have to let her finish! 

Master Splinter: No more. *stares at Julie and Naomi* And because you are arguing, you owe me ten backflips as well!

Julie and Naomi: Yes, Sensei...

*Everyone but Leo and Sophia trudges to the dojo*

Leo: My turn for computer time!

Sophia: Don't do anything stupid!

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