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hey foxes its me 2 chapters in one day ! ormahgahd! YOU ALL DESERVE A STEPHANO!!!*hands you a stephano*

"Stephano,Lizbeth! Piggy,andMrChair,are coming.And if Lizbeth wants Cry ca..."  "FUCK NO NOT CRY!!!!" "Okay okay." Soon they were all here. "Ooo She's hot!"piggy said with a perv face. Stephano kissed me on the cheek and held me by the waist. "Someone's jelous."I whispered. "Well let's get started!"Pewds said,"Game sugestions:" "Truth or dare"Marzia said. She had only played once. "Sure."Pewds said.I decided to record it and put up on my youtube not real smilesformiles."Hey miles this is smile. I didn't make videios because cry broke up with me. BUT I have a new boyfriend. STEPHANO! Say hello" "Alos miles" "I'm in Sweden with Pewds.We decided to have a party and invted The piggy and mrchair. We're gonna play truth or dare!I'm gonna do a livestream for this so go on and ask questions!

 Pewds started reading "The first ones for Piggy! I dare you to streak around the nieghborhood screaming I LOVE PIE!" "K easy dare!" We all heard his screams. He came back in with only pants on. "Next one! Lizbeth Dare:I dare you to kiss the person you like the most."I Kissed Stephano."Next ones for Marzia. Walk up to a stranger call them a bitch and stomp off and never talk to them again." "Guys thats mean!"she whined. "O well."someone said. So she went outside and found a adult (if she does it to a child that's just fucking messed up!)And called them a bitch."Nextone Mrchair go outside and sing a song of our choice at the top of your lungs!" "GROUP DESCUSION!" "What song guys?"Stephano asked. "I will always love you!"Pewds said."Fine."I said. "Mr.Chair you will sing I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!"we all said."Fine."he said. "IF IIIII SHSHOULD SAYYY OHOHOH *SCREACHING* ANNND IIIIIIIIIII WILLL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUU WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOU!"

This kept going on. I got order a pizza and ask out the delivery person. It was a guy. "Hey do you want to go out with me?" "Sure." I had to kiss him for 30 seconds and then breakup with him."WHAT you just asked me out!!!!" I slamed the door in his face."WHAT ABOUT THE PIZZA!"he asked. I opened the door and took the pizza then locked the door again. "FREE PIZZA!!!"I yelled.

We decide to play alittle bit of trouble in terroist town. I was really good. I hid in the shadows and head shot all of them.when I was a citizen I would run to the roof tops and shoot anyone who tried to shoot me. Then we played prop hunt. I would not move at all when i was a prop. If I was a barrel I just stood there and moved anouther barrel outta place.If they found me I'd quickly ran and switched props. Then we played amnessia. I was so scared when a bro chased me.Most of them where poofers. I useualy didn't die. Pewds on the other hand. "FUCKING BARRELS!!!!" Then he was killed by a bro. The first thing Stephano did was find himself. "LOOK IT'S ME!Do I realy look like this?"

"Now time for the winddown hour."I said. Marzia and Mr.chair had already fallen alseep. "Lets draw on their faces."I whisper screamed. I got washable markers,and drew a mustace on Marzia and a di. on Mr.Chair. They started to wake up so, I handed the markers to Pewds.I quickly made sure the evidence was off my hands."That's it for our livestream bye Miles and bros!"me and Pewds brofisted the camara."FELIX WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FACE!!!!!!!"Marzia screached"Run!"I told him.Tolate Marzia came down. She had a furrious look on her face!."I MA GONNA KILL YOU FELIX!!!"She had ducktape in her hands and had BARRELS ON IT!!! She ran him down and taped him to the wall."STEPHANO HELP!!!!"He yelled. But we already went to bed

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