Poem 29

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I'm breaking,

Already shaking,

I closed my eyes wishing for eternal sleep,

Hoping nobody will weep,

I thought about my life,

My addiction,

Surley enough,

It was One Direction,

It was my defenition of utter perfection,

What did I ever do?

All I ever did was believe something that I thought was true,

Something called 'bullshit'

Those kind of people made me feel like a dimwit.

That 'bullshit' was called Larry,

And now it's my cold lifeless body,

That my caset will carry,

That legancy of something so true,

It was only meant for Harry,

I have a fimiliar feeling,

but its stronger than before,

Now I'm here haning from my ceiling,

My feet a couple inches from my bedroom floor,

So many times I try,

This is the time,

It will let me die,

I'm sorry for believing in,

Something I thought was true,

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