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Her hand twitched in her lap, the pale white fingers shaking slightly with fear of the unknown. Her eyes were cast downwards, staring blankly at the floor.

Several minutes passed and with no warning, the chair squealed backwards and she was out the door before I even raised my head. 

Shit, not again, I thought. Scrambling my books together, I too stood up quickly and ran out the door, ignoring my teacher's calls floating down the hall behind me. 

Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I headed straight to the spot where I knew she would be. I opened the door, rounded the corner, and there she was, huddled in a ball against the brick outer wall of the school. Head down against her knees, arms wrapped around her shins, her shoulders shaking with sobs I could hear from several feet away. 

I took a deep breath and walked those few steps, sliding down the wall until I was sitting on the concrete next to her. She lifted her head slightly, just enough for me to catch a glimpse of her red-rimmed green eyes and tear-streaked cheeks before she buried her head into my shoulder and climbed up into my lap. 

"Shh, baby girl, shh," I whispered into her soft hair and gently kissed the top of her head. Pulling her closer, I cradled her head with one hand and her legs with the other. 

We sat there, long enough that her sobs faded into sniffles. Before long, she was asleep against my chest. Her breaths hiccupped every so often. Her eyelashes were clumped together from her tears. 

She was broken and I needed so badly to fix her.

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