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"Hey ThugPugs! I'm here with my sister!!! Bentey!!' Johnnie said while smiling widely.
I looked down to the ground my aqua and pink hair falling in my face.
"We wanted all of our fans to know that Me and Bentley will be on this years Warped tour!" Johnnie said which I didn't know that this was happening.
"NO WAY JOHNNIE?!!! REALLY?!!!" I squealed my shyness going threw the wind.
He nodded at me.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner??!!!!" I screamed.
" it was a surprise, mom, and I agreed." He said wrapping his arm around me.
"Thank you johnnie!!!" I smiled hugging him.
"I'm sure the other youtubers going on warped tour will be making a video soon, but the other youtubers on this trip with us will be, Bryan Stars,Jordan Sweeto,DamonFizzy,and Kyle David Hall, there is one more spot pending were waiting for her to answer." Johnnie announced to the camera.
My phone started ringing, and I answered.
I went to go get up but Johnnie told me to sit.
"I'M GOING TO WARPED TOUR!!!!!!!" Alex squealed in my ear.
I giggled .
"And the pending spot has been claimed. The last YouTuber is Alex Dorame." He said.
"Peace Out Thug Pugs!!! See you at warped tour!!!"
I smiled widely I was going to warped tour with my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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