Chapter 3: Up for Challenge

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[Ruki Pov]

Deep down inside, I felt my heart almost skip a beat every time I think about his face. His wonderful face. The way he looked at me earlier today made me almost want to faint.

Too bad I was called to come to a meeting with Aoi. Aoi is the gang leader of the whole biker gang we have going on. You'd usually think that only tall, strong, and built guys do this. Not always.

Girls do it too, and even though I'm not a girl myself, I didn't choose the biker life. The biker life chose me. It's something that I enjoy doing. The art of biking, being free, and also the need for speed. I'm not much of a tough guy, but I love that adrenaline rush of riding a motorcycle. It's a "Live Life to the Fullest", or what the young people and kids would say "YOLO."

I was hunched over in my seat on my motorcycle, holding on to the handlebars, my helmet over my head, the remaining length of my hair that didn't go through the helmet flew in the wind. I made sure I was paying attention to the road ahead of me. My helmet was like a shield with sunglasses. It covered my entire face and head, it was like I could be a ghost rider.

I came to a stop at a house that was pretty small, but had a garage outside in which we use as a "meeting place." There was a door beside the garage to get into the garage rather than walking in through the front door. I parked my motorcycle next to the garage and took off my helmet, shaking my head to put my hair back in order, fluffing it with my fingers, and moving it over my shoulders. I put my helmet under my arm after fixing my shorts, then, made my way to the door. I opened the door and was able to walk right in. "Welcome Ruki, for once you made it on time." The man who spoke was Aoi.

He was a sarcastic son-of-a-bitch, but was pretty chill. He lengths about 5 feet 9, has shoulder length black Raven like hair and Hazel eyes. His skin was pale, but a bit tanner than mine. He was also sexually active. He can't stay in a relationship either. He's had more than 5 partners this year. MORE than just 5. He pretty much uses people for sex. He claims that sometimes his partners don't satisfy him enough.

Aoi likes to come at me as well. Now, I won't lie, but I did have sex with him once or twice and I will admit that it was good, but it was just a one night stand. Nothing serious. I have my depressed moments and he does too, sometimes we get rid of that depression is by sex or smoking cigarettes.

"For once? Wow, so sweet of you to say." I sassed with a sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes, walking away from him and sitting in a chair. There were also a few others here as well. One guy that's here who's really quiet, his name is Yuki. He's doesn't really talk much. He had ginger like hair, but a masculine build. There was another main guy in the gang. His name is Nagito. He's the complete opposite of Yuki. Nagito was tall, is muscular, but he is nowhere near quiet. He's the loudest of the group, but he's able to control that. There's more people in this group, and also I did recently found out that there was a former member, but he had quit because they pushed him too hard. I don't recall meeting him because he left before I joined.

"Yeah, I know I'm the sweetest man you've met." Aoi winked at me, and bent down in front of me, his face was close to mine and his hands were on my thighs.

"Aoi, back off of me before I not only punch you on your chest, but I will chop your dick off." I threatened. Aoi let go of me and backed away from me. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my left leg over the right and crossed my arms over my chest, now waiting for Aoi to talk. Aoi stood in the middle of the circle whilst everyone sitting.

"Welcome guys. Now, I know you may be wondering why I called you all here today. And I do apologize for having Ruki leave from his job early, I know it may affect your paycheck." Aoi stopped talking and made a slight bow towards me and a smirk. I blushed and looked away, "Okay, the reason why I called you all here is because there's a motorcycle race coming up very soon and we need to be ready for that. Lots of twists, turns, jumps and leaps, drifting. We need all the skills and speed. So, you may need to get an inspection for your vehicle."

Aoi pulled a chair towards him and sat in it, "Also, the other teams who're competing with us are sending us messages, saying that we will lose, they'll make a plan to kill us, blah blah." He also pulled out a long piece of paper from his back pocket. He sat it down on the floor and unrolled it. It was a map of the race. I skimmed through all the obstacles, it looked as complicated as I thought. It was longer than the last race as well. "There will be a total of 8 teams there, and one person from each team will race each other. There's also a total of 8 laps. For the last lap, we save the best biker for last, and whoever wins the last lap, gets a total 50 extra points for ONLY first place. The other teams gets no points for the last round. Unfair, huh? There's also a head start round, which is worth 10 points for first place. That's in the beginning. Each lap is worth 20 points for first place winners."

Aoi looked at me, "Ruki." I perked up, hearing my name. Everyone in the room looked at me as well. "Are you willing to be the headstarter and the member who races in the last lap?" I looked at Aoi in disbelief. Why am I being chosen to do this? To be honest, I don't think I'm good enough to be a headstarter. I'm afraid that if I do this, I'll mess up everything and we'll lose our reputation. I don't want to risk getting laughed at nor do I want the members here to hate me for losing their chance to win.

"Aoi...I don't know." I responded, looking down at myself and running my fingers through my hair. Aoi sighed.

"Ruki, we need you to do this. The last race we competed in, you won. Why? Because you were confident. I know you can do it, Ruki." Aoi smiled softly at me. I looked up at him and sighed deeply. Maybe I should do it. I shouldn't want to be such a coward.

"Fine...I'll do it. For this gang's sake." The guys cheered loudly and got up from their chairs to give me an embracing hug or a pat on the back.

Why did I just make that decision?


I ended up home after an hour. I was already in my pjs. Today was pretty rough however. Having feelings for a customer, makes the decision to be the headstarter racer.

I have the guy's number by the way. I turned to my side and grabbed the slip of paper off of my night stand that had the guy's number and name. Wow, he was some hottie I'll tell you that. He was nice too. I thought, judging from apparence, he could've been a fuckboy. Well, I know better not to trust him so much. I just met him, so, I won't let him date me just yet until I get to know him. But I do have one question... and this question me and all the other guys and girls in this world needs to think about before they date that one person they fall for.....

Is he worth it?

||A/N: Now, I know this is short, but bare with me. In order for this to last long, I have to make these chapters just a little bit short. Lol, I hope you enjoyed this regardless. Chapter 4 coming soon. ||

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